
I’ve taken the morning after pill (consensual sex, birth control failed). I vomited for hours. It is not something you take for funsies and I’ve no idea how that makes someone look like a “classic rape victim.”

Best chose to show up when asked to by defense counsel for Jackson and Olding. He wasn’t subpoenaed or ordered to be there. He took these actions because he wanted to help make sure his friends did not go to prison for rape.

“If I had my druthers, I’d make rape and abuse indictments and trials closed proceedings, and impose gag orders. The public may have a right to know, but I’m fine with them being informed about outcomes rather than day-to-day developments. There have been too many high-profile cases where (real, obvious) victims were

Yes, those men from Ulster, definitely dealing with years of internalized Catholic misogyny. You realize that Northern Ireland is Northern Ireland (as opposed to the Republic of Ireland) because it wasn’t mostly Catholic, right? That’s why it is still part of the UK.

oh no poor guy, this is like when the stanford rapist’s dad talked about how he couldn’t enjoy steak any more. won’t anyone please think of the men

No endorsement of the horrible language and accusation, however, in most places, drunk consent is still consent. In the US, intoxication typically must be “incapacitating” (which definition varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction) if it is used as support for an allegation of rape. Some jurisdictions refine that even

Ireland still struggles, it seems, with centuries of Roman Catholic misogyny. In most US states, proof of intoxication would eliminate any consent.

It’s certainly unloading on the accuser’s reputation and veracity.

You may not be familiar with this as you claim to be new to the case, but there was a large public outcry regarding Best’s appearance at the trial, including demands to strip him of the Irish captaincy. This can be confirmed through numerous news sources, as well as through social media.

Rush (Lear) allegedly used a scene where he carries his daughter Cordelia’s body across stage as an opportunity to grope her genitals.

I’d seen the defense counsel’s appalling response to the verdict when it happened, but this is a great explanation of the facts and the implications of the case. Thanks for posting this.

I would wager that the theater released the statement because the Telegraph already had the details and was planning to release them anyway. This is backed up by the fact that the Telegraph released the victim’s name and details about the assault that she didn’t want public (a shitty move on their part). I think the

Victims have really shitty options available to them here. Either they do nothing and let their accuser get away consequence free or they accuse him publicly and get vilified, attacked, and picked apart themselves. Also usually any “investigation” done by the accused amounts to character attacks against and slut

I feel like the use of words like hyperbole, spurious and bombastic means he did what he’s accused of and is just claiming it’s blow out of proportion. It’s the kind of thing a lawyer advises you to say so you can deny something without actually saying you didn’t do it.

Gosh, it’s almost as if he’s experiencing the same kinds of anxieties and symptoms that many women often experience as a result of being sexually assaulted and having their entire lives exposed if they report it!

And his reputation should be tarnished by this - he does come across as an ok guy, and I agree that he could have thought this was a joke, but it wasn’t funny and it was sexual assault and even if it had been less offensive, he should have stopped when she asked him to. On all strikes, he’s out.

Citation needed or GTFO.

She is brave. It must be still harder to do this without the worldwide fame of Hollywood A-list actresses. And Australia is still fairly retrograde in terms of “lad culture” from what I hear, I am curious as to how #MeToo will play out there.

you’ll be fine. Go away for a few years and then come back and most will forget this. All these men thinking there lives are over haven’t been paying attention all of history and our society loves a comeback story.