
That’s splitting hairs - Sandusky was investigated for child abuse in 1999, which led to his resignation but the DA declined to prosecute; this was well known even at the time of the scandal. What’s come to light is that Paterno had been personally receiving reports about Sandusky from victims since the 1970s and

I’d like to shake that guy’s hand.

Yeah, I vacillated between going with the dimensions of a grave or the dimensions of a casket. “Six feet under” is of course the most iconic phrase available, but the casket itself is more cell-like, and I was gonna be using the play on “straight up” as the button anyway, so I went with the latter.

Whatever. Your relative hid his crimes.

The question I need answered - at any point does Pacino as Paterno ask, “You’re telling me he touched them in the HOO-HAH?”?

6 feet.

To be fair, he did receive an extremely long sentence in a 7'x3'x2' cell. Straight down.

Maybe whoever greenlit this at HBO is a Penn State alum.

Counterpoint: the most batshit part of Paterno is that HBO was willing to spend an obscene amount of money making a movie that tries to vindicate the legacy of a man whose own exculpatory account had been shown to be completely false long before the release of the film.

It doesn’t matter if you think Joe Paterno wasn’t complicit in a cover up, it doesn’t matter if you think the program should have got the death penalty: either way, you’re going to agree that Pacino can’t play anybody but Pacino anymore.

“How was your weekend?”

“surrounding Jerry Sandusky’s crimes”

Thank you Penn State. In one of the most decisive times in America, we can all find common ground as we come together to say, ‘fuck every last one of you.’

Joe Paterno should have gone to jail. Straight up.

it’s not clear if she and Joe had had that discussion.

Is it wrong that I can think of at least ten uses for that gif that have nothing to do with Penn State?

How fucking pathetic that this program didn’t get the death penalty.

Here’s the scene with Ganim’s editor.

For Vanessa Trump’s dad to leave an estate of $2.5 million in 2005 seems suspicious. He’s a successful Manhattan lawyer? That amount of money in Manhattan would be an embarrassment. The 2008 stock market crash would have turned that into mincemeat. Hum.

The reason she married and stayed with him is because she is a whore, and whores want money.