
Therein lies the rub.

I’m a lawyer. Don’t drag us into this shit. These half-answers were created by PR reps to sound like an apology without opening up a public dialog about what actually happened. It’s designed to make the issue go away as quickly as possible. Contrary to popular belief, weasel words rarely have any bearing on the

What really still gets me? The fact that we have businesses that will balk at making a fucking wedding cake for two men or two women getting married to each other, but won’t think twice about making jerseys with obvious racial slurs on them.

Coon is slang for raccoon, coined in the mid 1700’s. The term coon’s age was first used in the early 1800’s and in fact, owes its origin to the folk belief that raccoons are long-lived. Raccoons are not truly long-lived, but their fur is quite hardy, which may have given rise to the belief that raccoons live for a

We apologize for being ignorant thugs who sought to draw attention to ourselves through immature means fitting of a sixth-grader from Alabama

Is H&M reaching out to the team about a potential sponsorship?

However, “We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by the jerseys” is a slight improvement over the typical “We sincerely apologize if anyone was offended by the jerseys.” 

White Power Forward

it’s a fairly standard non-apology tactic. “I’m sorry you were offended” = “We’re sorry we got called out on our racist bullshit.”

Hey cut the parents some slack. Those crosses aren’t gonna burn themselves.

Name: Holly Cost

We offered to cover them up or change,

“We apologize for being ignorant thugs who sought to draw attention to ourselves through immature means fitting of a sixth-grader from Alabama.”
There, fixed it for them.

“You’re tall, what position do you play?”

hey, don’t people understand that it’s about the name on the front of the jersey, not the one on the back?

I feel badly for the lads at Milford. Try as he might, Coach Gil Thorp has been unable to implement his vaunted triangle offence. Millennials, as is their wont, seem to prefer hanging around at the Bucket rather than driving the hoop. I’m sure Marty Moon will bring his usual negative spin to this story.

“We sincerely apologize to anyone that was offended by the jerseys.”

I don’t understand why these boys couldn’t just hire a PR agency to explain to the public that the jerseys were their way of expressing honor and respect.

“So how does that big hole open?”