
Yeah I usually explain libertarians as republicans who don’t want to admit they hate you. Everyone is free to do and say what they want with no regulations on anything just means “I don’t have to admit that I don’t think ‘your kind’ should be treated fairly because someone else certainly will do it for me;

It’s so disappointing. Roseanne was in my top five favorite shows growing up. It felt so real and authentic and similar to how I saw my own family function in terms of interpersonal relationships. I really don’t want to watch this reboot and have that ruined.

I think when you have an entire cast of a show on board and you’re the only hold out, that can be a lot of pressure on you. Especially when some of the cast who he likely is fond of could probably use a nice network paycheck. Goodman probably sees it as a favor and not a huge commitment to drop in and shoot some

I’m not sure what’s so different about their policies. I will say that Trump is worse than Palin, which I didn’t think was possible.

Isn’t chaos what we have now?

Anarchy tends to devolve into Might Makes Right. The big, fast, and strong do well; everyone else is food.

“Yes to your last line. I fucking HATE people who want to sit back and “blow up the system” because it generally means they know they’re going to be OK and fuck the poor slobs on the bottom who will suffer the most. There’s nothing “progressive” about that.”

I could see Roseanne being a Trump supporter and her kids (at least Darlene) wouldn’t be.

Yeah, hate to say it, but I totally believe the Conners would be Trump supporters. And I can see Jackie being pro-Hillary, and Darlene OBVIOUSLY moved to Chicago and became a big city liberal.

And she likes weed. She used to like gay people. Her tv daughter is gay. She used to call herself a feminist. I don’t understand this at all.

I get what you’re saying but the first Rosanne led a union-based walk-out at their job, had and supported her lesbian friends, championed a single mother, etc. Not exactly the stuff the Trump supporters hold up high.

Roseann has never actually walked back her progressive politics. She has stated that her support for Trump is based in her belief that Trump will blow up the system, that he will be so toxic and so incompetent that it will cause the system to just fail. She see’s it all as corrupt so blowing it up is ok.

It’s not surprising so much as it is disappointing because it goes against everything Roseanne 1.0 was and what we loved about it. 

Maybe in the reboot the property values skyrocketed in her burb of Chicago so now The Lunchbox and their home have made them upper class. The character of Roseanne then becomes an “I got mine” selfish conservative because of it. That’s probably a little too on the nose for the actual person Roseanne though.

Agreed. The original show was about blue collar/working class factory workers gripping about unions being pushed out, etc. In one episode she ran a canvasing politician (probably a repub) off her porch when she brought up the topics of union wages, jobs, etc. However, when the show ended they were lottery winners so

Which is weird, because the original Rosanne seemed to be more on the liberal side. I mean, she led a union-based walkout at the plant, dealt with the issue of a single mom, had a friend who was a lesbian, etc. I’m not saying all those issues makes someone a progressive, but she choose to include them in her show.

I am a huge, huge original-recipe “Roseanne” fan. I have seen every episode like 50 times. You could not pay me to watch this revival, especially with the Trumpish BS. 

Even though it’s inaccurate, I’m not surprised Roseanne is taking the rich vs. poor approach here. That’s a lot easier conversation to have than rich white people vs. non-white people, which is what Trump is really about. She’d rather talk about ghost towns in middle America and shrinking blue collar paychecks than if