
No, that’s what a dick would do. Vinaigrette is easier to make anyways.

Spiking someone’s food with animal products they didn’t ask for is an asshole thing to do - there are some stricter religions that demand veganism (some sect of Bhuddism) and ofc people who need restricted diets for medical reasons.

I too think going vegan is dumb, but you have to respect the people that have made that choice. I don’t cook for them, but I’ll make a salad.

The only way I see them getting anywhere near break-even attendance from the last couple years is if they run a whole bunch of $1 Beer Nights. And that brings its own potential hazards...

There’s a reason they call it the Laffer Curve.

There’s a Miami in Ohio, too...

I also strongly suspect it was more the “Title IX doesn’t exist in our office” stuff that convinced them to fire him before they ended up with their own Baylor situation.  

Is this Jeter’s version of trickle down economics? Piss all over the franchise and expect to get more money out of it.

Nope, the university didn’t completely clear him. Just that they couldn’t find enough evidence to back up a specific accusation that would hold up if Rodriguez were to sue for wrongful termination, but found enough to think they’d be in trouble in the pending litigation or any future ones, so they let him go with the

“The investigation/the courts declared me innocent” is usually a sign that a person isn’t innocent, right?

But as you remember, her plan is to make the team so bad, they have to relocate... TO MIAMI...

I have a question: so if you want to increase ticket revenue and seek a bump in your media rights, don’t people have to what’s that word I’m looking for... oh yes WATCH. If anything Wolverine should reduce ticket prices to free. If I’m Fox Sports Florida I’m asking for the deal NBC gave the NHL following the lockout.

Not West Virginia. Everybody knows miners can’t give consent.

It seems like maybe the NCAA should do more investigating of the coaches then the players...but hey, you know it’s the players that make all the money while the coach works for free so nevermind.

Expecting to increase revenues while decreasing the quality of the product in a market that has historically not turned out to watch baseball is what makes it farfetched.

“Ladies and gentleman, and now the starting lineup for your Montreal Marlins!”

Yeah, Cheats.

She must own 25%.

I’m genuinely sorry to bring up politics, but is anyone else getting a “tax cuts will actually increase revenues!” vibe from all this?

I think we’ve found the author of the GOP tax bill.