
So, what are the odds that the Celtics knew this and was part of the reason they traded Bradley?

protect the reputation and privacy of Mr. Bradley

It’s not political to question the competence of the president, particularly this one. It’s not political to worry that the world is now in a more tenuous place with a thin-skinned charlatan in charge of the most powerful military. Trump transcends politics because absolutely everyone who isn’t an ignorant mark knows

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I miss having space from nukes. Space. Distance. A comfortable arm’s length that we could joke about, even though nukes have always been no joke. That was the joke, though: here’s an incredibly scary thing that we can’t fathom using anymore, and that we hope doesn’t explode in storage.

Bullshit. Republicans insanely worry about “the children” and the effects on society from secularism, feminism, science and the gays. Democrats are currently worried that a demented, insecure, unprepared, uninterested, petty, juvenile, crooked and possibly senile cunt is the acting president of the United States.

Should anyone be surprised that an Arian is quoting Donald Trump?

I am a Young Person(tm) and can assure you that yes, rock music of the past decade is largely derivative and awful. Art forms can have boom & bust periods like other things - rock is currently in a bust period. It’s all about those pop/dance anthems right now.

The fact that you see “politics” in what he wrote is very telling.  People who see politics everywhere make it exceedingly hard to have productive conversations.  Is wanting a future for your children a partisan issue in your mind?

How about some suggestions, flyingdics? The little I’ve heard has been either derivative or awful.

If you think Testament was chilling, watch When the Wind Blows. It’s a very small, intimate movie - only 2 characters, a sweet little old British couple. We get to watch them stay cheerful and certain help is coming soon and if they just follow the “in case of nuclear detonation” pamphlets they’ll be safe. Of course,

There is only one good song there. Maybe two.

Ha! That is such an apt description because, as an air guitar master, I know precisely what you mean. Grohl’s drumming is so good. I Loved the drums on Breed too.

“ThePresident of the United States has more power at this moment than at essentially any other time in American history”

If you were a drummer in the early 90s, Scentless Apprentice was your Van Halen’s Eruption for guitarists in the 80s.

The “sewing a death shroud” scene in Testament hits you hard because you aren’t expecting it. There is mom sewing and the camera pulls back and you finally figure out what she is doing.

Here’s to you, Daulerio.

The best thing I listened to this year was the Destroyer of Worlds episode of Hardcore History. Specifically, the parts that included excerpts from Kennedy’s recordings of the discussions during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Scentless Apprentice is SUCH an underrated song. Also you do look like a psychopath in that horrendous jacket. See? I pay attention!

How the hell do you post about Abe Lincoln in GMIPH and not include the phrase “Lincoln log?”

The biggest problem with googling “best rock songs of 2017" is genre mutation. Listening to Scentless Apprentice right now, there’s no way that doesn’t get marketed as a metal song. “Show Yourself” is definitely one of the best rock songs of 2017, but it’s on an album nominated for the Best Metal Grammy so they didn’t