
Thank you for this. I gave up school sports when they forcibly switched me from baseball, which I’d been playing since I was four, to softball, and hockey to ringette. Just because I was a girl and had hit puberty.

I remember a story of the first woman allowed into a football locker room to do reporting. Her first day, on camera, some dude walks up to her, drops the towel and says, “What do you think?” She replied, “Looks like a penis, only smaller.” I wish I could remember her name, because she’s a hero.

Flashback time. In the 90s I wrote several stories for the SF Chronicle & Examiner. They were promptly “rewritten” by a younger, male reporter who knew nothing about sports. I would pitch a story, be told my idea was crummy, then find that some man had be handed the story &, of course, the byline. I gave up after two

As a former business reporter, I sometimes had to work with sports on things like increased sales of logowear at playoff time, etc., and the women reporters weren’t only sharp, they were heads above their bosses.

My best guess: coming from the low end of “the business” totem pole...

Dave Kingman sent a live rat to a reporter in the early 80s. And this shit continues. Disgraceful that these reporters continues to face what they do.

Sadly this doesn’t surprise me. In addition to the harrassment, femake sports reporters on ESPN and thr NFL Network are relegated to being the equivalent of cheerleaders, not given the chance to make substantive comments or to ask questions. They are treated as visual props.

Not surprising, the sports world is very much a boys club, even in women’s teams (coaches, officials). Way back I used to work for a marketing agency and the gender divide was kept very much intact. That was long ago but I don’t think that much has changed.
So, thanks, Diana, for writing about it, though it would have

this is some depressing shit we women go through...but its on another level when the men you gotta share a workplace with can’t even be half as professional as you. we have to be the calm ones, the ones that have more understanding of why our colleagues/bosses can’t not make that sexual joke or keep their fucking

It’s occasionally nice to be reminded *why* I think Zeke mowatt should rot in hell.

I saw some of this when I was a sports reporter including the time one male reporter from a newspaper was speaking to another male newspaper reporter about a regular freelance female reporter, offering his opinion on her sexual escapades, which players she was probably having sex with, etc. The second reporter waited

If I had a dollar for every junior reporter at some far flung newspaper that’s been raped at least once by her sports writer colleagues I’d have enough money to hire lawyers and sue everyone of those small town publications into bankruptcy court so their assets could be purchased by hard working women who could

Yea, and by then their underwater stadiums will be packed. Stuffed to the gills, if you will.

No one. It’s just the going rate. The Giants had a hole in the outfield for a variety of reasons and gambled that Span would be more like the pre-2015 Span than the 2015 version, and they lost that bet. Because they have more money than most teams, they can pay more for that gamble. So they helped establish the value

Psych, your wife is also the commissioner and now you have to organize the basement, too. Sucker!

One team’s overpay becomes an entire league’s overpay.

“He can’t even go back on the ball. He sort of flops there.”

Ha like there’ll be a Florida in 2543

besides Posey and Crawford the Giants have no one else who is above average-and Lou Seal now starting in center