
You’re forgetting that Rey’s story starts right where TFA left off, yet Poe, Leia, and Finn’s story starts after the First Order has discovered their base and launched an attack, and the Resistance has a bombing run planned, etc. etc.

Ask Rian Johnson? They had 18 hours of fuel on the ship, according to Dr. Ellie Sattler. They abandoned ship before it ran out of fuel. During this time, Finn went to Hogwarts and Rey yucked it up with Luke. I’m not saying the timeline makes sense.

You’re saying Rey only spent one day with Luke? I don’t know about that...

In retrospect, had they realized that Carrie Fisher would not be around for Episode IX, they probably would have had her make the decision to stay with the ship. And that would have made what was the best visual of the trilogy also the most meaningful had it been Leia to make the sacrifice.

This all day.

I am guessing you can’t jump to light speed while on Auto-Pilot. And Leia is the head of the Resistance, so she is the head of the entire army. I’m thinking that Admiral Holdo succeeded to both Leia’s position as the head of the army and Admiral Akbar’s, who was likely the captain of the Capital ship, if that makes

that was my favorite part of TFA, and I’m glad they kept it going: Kylo Ren very clearly has never been taught how to fight with his lightsaber. he’s an untrained reservoir of raw power who has never been meaningfully challenged, and as a result his technique is made entirely out of bad habits.

whereas Rey’s fight

The entire concept of auto-pilot is antithetical to the Star Wars universe; why need human pilots at all when you literally have robots to do it for you. I imagine the whole droid army thing from Phantom Menace led to a universe-wide ban on automated transportation, frankly.

In that moment, all things were possible. You figured that the light saber would fly to Rey, she would fight it out with Ren, then escape and the plot goes on. Just like Return of the Jedi, but earlier.

Hey, uh, what would happen if you rammed a Mon Calamari cruiser into a fleet of First Order ships at light speed? Let’s find out!

I keep seeing this and it is clear people misunderstood those flashback scenes. Luke contemplated killing Ben, but he changed his mind, therefore he never “tried to kill Kylo.” However, Ben waking up to his uncle holding up an ignited light saber to his face was certainly a confusing moment for the young man.

My favorite part of that scene was when it ended and we the audience are all like, “Yaaayyy, she’s redeemed Ben Solo!” he was all like, “I’M THE CAPTAIN NOW!” and even more evil.

I’d kinda love if this trilogy really was Kylo Ren’s story and Rey being the protagonist was one big misdirection.

Now we know that’s not the case because you could probably do one movie following a decoy protagonist before revealing that the antagonist is the actual protagonist but still.

It’s not the movie fans wanted. But it’s the one that they needed.

Are Star Wars movies the only movies you watch? Because that’s the only way that statement makes any sense. It isn’t even the least coherent Star Wars plot—it’s probably actually the most straight-forward plot other than IV. “Ship is going to get got by bigger ships, but can outrun weapons range while it has fuel. The

welcome to the star wars, friend, i see you are new here

And that list pretty much sums up why this is damn near Empire’s equal, blew my expectations away like a lightspeed jump ripping ships to silenced shreds

how about the assumed notion that the entire galaxy needs one overarching ruling body that is either full space nazi or rainbow freedom pals?

I am a massive Star Wars fan and I have to say, the fandom’s reaction to this movie because it didn’t fit the terrible fan fiction they had in their head is making me hate most other Star Wars fans.

Whatever anybody thinks about the overall quality of Last Jedi - and I think you can have honest disagreements about how well the whole thing hung together - it was an absolute masterpiece in messing with tropes, both in general and of Star Wars in particular. The whole movie is an exercise in how overrated heroes are