
How the hell did someone manage to tell a story about A-Rod and make themselves look like the asshole? That’s some serious goddamned sorcery.

Or someone older than 15.

Holy Shit, dude. That is dark.

From the next NYT Sports section profile on Alex Rodriguez:

“Alex lives in this world of cash-flow businesses, and Silicon Valley lives in this world of the potential of the future.”

Mr. Specter explained...that her new suitor was one of the 10 best baseball players who ever lived.

The answer is always sex Mr. Freud.

Wow what a bunch of fucking assholes.

Emma! Emma! You buried the lede here. This is a Maureen Dowd article (of course it is).

Andres Gallaraga was (a good) El Gato.

In terms of business, I’d guess that A-Rod has created a great deal more real value than 99% of Silicon Valley, including Wojcicki. Unlike her beloved “potential of the future,” baseball is massively profitable and he seems to have done quite well with his $480mn in career earnings on top of that.

I miss my Fatty.

I don’t know too much about too much, but I will throw this out there: these ridiculous ass dna cash grab companies are no better than Cleo on the $5 a minute spiritual future hotline. I understand some people want to feel like they’re something exciting, so I will help out. You’re Chrissy from Cleveland, Steve from

I had the same thought when I read this article yesterday in the NYTimes. Like, this woman, a silicon valley tech fucking mogul, can’t do a goddamn google search? honestly, i pitied her. Installing a TV, “who is arod whats a rod hawwwhawwwhawww” like HOW OUT OF TOUCH, and this whole article reeked of bullshit. I went

Thanks for writing this. I saw a summary about this a couple hours ago and thought “damn, this yuppie lady is really insecure and passive aggressive”. Ok, DNA lady, you’re really, really intellectual. We get it. And successful too - we noticed the yacht.

My fat cat is a good cat despite the fact he hates being rubbed on his invitingly fluffy stomach, to which he’ll turn into the raptors from Jurassic Park and start slashing. Rest in peace, Skeeter Duffy, may there be fluffy-cloud nap pillows and endless people-food scraps to pilfer in The Good Place for Fat Cats.

We adopted a stray fat cat when I was a kid. Figured he had an owner, he was so rotund he couldn’t have been out that long, but cat was just fat. My mom had him tested for medical stuff over the years, but kitty just wasn’t itty bitty. My friend saw him for the first time and said “Dude, is that a cat or a couch?” At

This is a good cat.

Big cats are best cats.