
Sometimes your friendships need to evolve or they die out. what point is it fair to think someone is stupid because they don’t agree with my beliefs? I mean, I’m willing to accept some nuance around tax policy or the DH, but a wholesale rejection of science is a bit much.

I was friends with a guy for a while. Our common bond was our kids and sports - not an uncommon thing for friends formed in adulthood. Then I saw him posting racist things. I saw him posting anti-gay things. I saw him posting things were against my beliefs. And he is no longer my friend. If I had known all these

This is how I live my life.

Story checks out

Accordingly: You can’t say the Earth is round if you’ve never seen it from outer space.

Indeed. Provided he’s willing to concede the earth is of a shape generally round-ish in nature, we should probably chalk this up as a minor victory and move on.

It must’ve been Steve.

Fake news. There was no civilization before 1776.

Well, that is because it was the dinosaurs that wrote the bible. The story of creation was from their perspective. Makes ya think...

A few years back Bill Nye debated Ken Ham, of Creationist Museum fame. I remember one of my close friends posting a link to it on his facebook about the “intellectual beatdown” that was about to occur. I had known him his entire life, was confident he was an intelligent man, so felt no issue with posting on his page

Huff’s Imagine Dragons response is actually pretty convincing, especially when you take into account all the corroborating evidence from Bofa.

I really don’t get how people can think the world is 6,000 years old, when humans were already building some impressive shit 10,000-12,000 years ago.

If Aubrey has seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.

Aubrey Huff almost has thoughts on evolution

Denying evolution is almost quaint and nostalgic in this era of Trumpian malaise.

I’m oddly comforted by the fact that my almost-complete anonymity in the online world, and the ease with which most people ignore me, is cushioned by that anonymity. It would be worse to be an online washed-up, once-halfway kind of decent athlete who uses the platform to spew nonsensical drivel, which they then double

Huff the Magic Dragon.