
With this and the Roy Moore stuff dropping at the same time, I would’ve devoted more attention to the latter than to the former as well. Maybe a bit more balanced, but still, one is a comedian masturbating in front of women and having to at the very least put his career on hold as punishment, the other is a politician

This is so meta. Teen girl needs to adopt male alter-ego to be taken seriously in baseball journalism, but adopts male alter-ego of a sketchy jerk, gets busted.

At first I thought this story was kinda funny, then a little scary, now it just seems sad.

13-17 year olds don’t have a completely developed emotional system for dealing with relationships. That’s why we have laws to protect them from adult predators. She’s coming from a fucked up place, but she got into it as a child, and couldn’t figure out how to get out of it as an adult.

Becky with the good harassment

Does it give her a pass? I just read a long, damning expose of her behaviour that makes it almost impossible to think of her as anything but an abuser. It doesn’t seem like charges have been filed, however.

What is our world coming to when an innocent young teen girl engages in this type of ethically objectionable behavior and doesn’t even slip me a DM? —Hon. Roy Moore

I was reading this story an hour or so ago, in the waiting room for my therapist, who specializes in gender, sexuality, and their intersection with personality disorders. I showed this to her and she just got a confused look on her face and goes, “yeah, that’s a stumper.”

So a teenage girl pretended to be a man in his 30's on the internet.

Fun fact: Harvey Weinstein is actually Madeleine Davies and Anna Merlan in a trenchcoat.

Her abuse of those women aside, it’s awful that a girl(or any woman, really) could feel that in order to write about a sport she clearly loves and be taken seriously she has to pose as a man.

Yeah, but what’s her take on a 4-3 defensive scheme with Manti Te’o at the Mike?

There’s far too many gender issues in this story than one could unpack in ten lifetimes.

I was just trying to identifying him as being within discussion context. Nothing more, nothing less. In normal conversation I would rarely mention his race.

That is sad but sadly not uncommon.

I can’t think of anything the boy would tell me that would make me love and support him less. If loving your child comes with strings or limits, you’re fucking up as a parent and frankly, as a person. (And this comes from a man who ate cookie crumbs out of his chest hair a few weeks ago with no shame.)

I’m glad you put “dad” in quotes, because this piece of human waste is the furthest thing from what a dad should be.

Now playing

“When we find ourselves believing that killing a man makes us more of a man, but loving a man makes us less of a man, it’s probably time to re-examine our criteria for manhood.” —Jay Smooth

‘Dad’ should get the dealth penalty. I don’t see how society is served by having his straight but demented and violent and uncaring ass around either.

Here’s a crazy idea: if you hate your son/daughter/wife/girlfriend so much that you never want to see them again.... disown them and never see them again.