
Trump calls out bitches about the media when they report HIS false information. FIFY

I think (and, again, we have a ton of lawyers here who can actually comment) this is a by-product of some of our stupid litigation rules — like when you have to sue someone to recover insurance $$$ for an accident even though everyone is clear that insurance is the appropriate recovery method...

I’m not a lawyer but one big thing springs to mind.

Yea just disregard the active lawsuit.

There is an active lawsuit, its not in their best interest to give out the evidence until they are before a judge.

I think Musk and Trump have similar personalities, but different political views. They both expect to be right and kowtowed to... they cannot stand any form of criticism or anyone questioning their almighty word.

It’s so adorable that you still post like this. It tells me that Russian bots still haven’t gained self-awareness, which is great news :)

UAW did file a claim that these people had been vocal about joining union and were fired because of that. Considering the cut throat situation in Tesla, combined with the work environment I would not be too surprised with Tesla acting as it is.

Donald Trump is no longer Elon Musk’s best friend, but his imprinting stands.

How is this company valued more than Ford or GM again?

“Low-integrity press” “Shame”... okay, he’s already there.

When is he going to start ranting on Twitter like, oh uhm the Cheeto Nazi?

So is Musk taking a page out of Trump’s playbook where all flattering news is truth and anything else is a lie to be swept under the rug? Shame.

It appears that Elon Musk is not good at taking criticism or bad press. A shame, really.

If you haven’t had it, Giordano’s is a life experience to be checked off. It’s not so much a pizza, as a 3-day commitment.

Sbarro’s is one of those weird things that you only think it’s good because you have it infrequently because it’s awful. It’s like a nostalgic TV series that doesn’t hold up when you give it a re-watch.


This is truth. Domino’s went from being - I won’t go so far as to say foul, but certainly not good - to being downright tasty. They’re my go to chain pizza when I’m on the road.

Papa Murphy’s is a take-and-bake place, does that even count?