
Why is it that black and brown women have to have 100x the determination to have their voices heard and be given justice? Sickening.

Really does anyone else love how she posted “yo girl”? Like Imma appropriate the shit out of these people because I can’t come up with any type of culture or personality of my own, but god forbid I have to live with one of them. What a nasty nasty sorry ass trashy ass hillbilly.

Also, I like how she called her roommate “Jamaican Barbie” as an insult, and I’m like... I’m sure there are tons of little Black girls who would love a Jamaican Barbie lol. Get on it Mattel!

Something tells me this “conflict” was one-sided considering the Jamaican Barbie insult Becky tried it with.

I don’t see how this doesn’t get her at least removed from campus housing if not expelled from the school entirely. Students who live on campus sign a contract and part of that is abiding by the code of conduct. It’s that simple.

So, Brochu’s response to Rowe being rude (which was possibly/likely a response to something Brochu did?) wasn’t to work it out or talk to the RA, it was to be 10,000% more awful and put her health at risk?

I doubt she had a conflict other than “My roommate is black.”

“Rowe says the school threatened to remove her from campus if she was caught talking about what happened to her.”

The pizza analogy is perfect!

Nasty, stanking, trifling, low down dirty hoe. She deserves her ass BEAT!

Filipino, I thought basura was trash in Spanish

Well, if they are anything like Brock Turner’s parents, Dan and Carleen, they’ll setup a page so friends and family can help pay for the legal defense of the “tragic situation,” ie rape, that Brock was caught committing. They’ll write tearful letters to the judge describing how their wonderful son is no longer

Honestly, it’s time to start shaming the parents. Didn’t we hear about the supposed issues of Tamir Rice’s parents before the child was even buried? If her parents don’t denounce her then they’re complicit imo. This is where the internets can use its powers, out them all.

Seriously. How did your parents teach you so little about how to deal with things? You have an issue with your roommate and this is how you choose to handle it? This is how animals mark territory, not how humans should interact.

I’m very excited for this. Particularly the Colorado episode with all the Jags, the Mozambique episode, and the Stinger review. I also hope The American makes a return this season because of how angry people (mostly Americans) get.

There better be a Ford GT in this season. Also yes of course I will watch. Those 3 are like pizza. Even if it’s not the best’s still better than not having pizza. And let’s be honest, if they had never left Top Gear, and changed to The Grand Tour format...almost no one would notice (except of course

Huh. And here I was thinking that some dickhead shitting in a dryer was the most disgusting thing I’d associate with college.

I like how the person who smeared period blood and contaminated the goods and living space of another human being (yeah, don’t even try that weak-ass ‘it was a joke!’ shit, kid) thinks they’re of a status so much higher than the target’s, it’s okay to do this sort of shit. Get lost, creep.

We hear ALL these stories about the Becky’s and Jason’s of the world committing these acts, but I never see anything about the parents. Where are they? How did they raise children to be this way? (I mean We know how....praising your mediocre child all his life, but I digress) I just want to know what Kathy and Bill

I think I can speak for many people, black or white, when I say: