
“then at the the end of the film she’s back to, “no, really, they’re awful and don’t deserve me.””

Her entire motivation was to go out and save humanity from the influence of Ares in order to stop their suffering. Watch her face when Steve tells the Amazons about the millions of people who are dying (including women and children) if you think that her motivation had nothing to do with her compassion and caring for

The duty of the Amazons as said in the movie is to protect humanity.

Ok, be thick then.

I could see Diana wanting to get involved in WWII and then the US drops the bomb on Japan—and she’s like, “I’m out. Ya’ll assholes.”

So, even after the things you missed are pointed out, you just stamp your feet and shout “Nuh-uh, I don’t remember the details, but I am SO right!”

Except you, like he, have either misremembered, or misinterpreted what happened in the actual film.

It was a great riff on the superhero trope that once you kill the big bad everybody just stops what they’re doing (ex: Tony blowing up the Chitari mothership in Avengers magically turned off the drones).

How come WWII and every other shitty conflict in the world comes to pass in the DC movie universe?

Truth, my dogs would love it if I was required to always be within 10 feet of them all day every day for 5 months..

The dogs had food and water and companionship. They probably had fun.

It was certainly an attempt at deconstructing the heroes without ever constructing them first, haha

I seem to recall her being told if she left, she couldn’t come back, and she chose to go anyway. Partly out of a sense of adventure, but partly out of a sense of compassion. And certainly the No Man’s Land scene was meant to show that while that thirst for adventure may have animated her in the beginning, that moment

She ran across No Man’s Land and faced down machine gun fire solely because she saw a crying woman in the trench begging for help for the town she came from.

This, though, is the entire BvS problem in one example. The movie wasn’t made from a place of understanding of the characters, nor of building up their motivations, nor of making us understand them. The plot moves the characters, passively, through their story, with them taking actions that they must to get us to the

The overall goal was never to kill Ares. Thats how she intended to accomplish her overall goal. The overall goal was always to free mankind from the influence of Ares so they could return to being good again.

The good news here: She is saying they recognize the discrepancy in the character, implying that instead of trying to double-down by making a future movie that explains WHY WW abandoned Mankind just to make it fit the BvS:DoJ continuity, future WW sequels will instead continue to explore what actually fits the

She (Gadot) may draw some fire and ire for this. However, if anyone comes at her for it, they’re going to have to through me!

Well to be fair, a lot of things done in Batman v Superman were the wrong choice, so I’m all for this retcon

Sailboats can still move due to the power of the wind....