
BTW that mustache looks like it impregnated a cheerleader in the back seat of a Trans Am in ‘88

That’s fine—most people aren’t! I’m not a linguist either. I just did my undergrad in linguistics and this is literally all my degree is good for.

the ensuing conversation on this initial point has been fucking fascinating. seriously.

You think she understands the sheer legendary awesomeness of her Dad? Fuck if KURT COBAIN was my Dad.... I would bring it up in conversation all the time

Rosanne Cash wrote a great essay about trying to mourn her father while everyone else was mourning a legend, but I cannot find it.

Even if this psycho somehow saw the pictures he would still insist that down is up. Guys like this don’t change their minds when faced with concrete evidence. (See 9/11 truthers, Sandy Hook Truthers and other assholes)

Seeing a person at rest as they’re lying “in state”? Fine. Seeing crime scene photos in their full, bloody awfulness? Leave that to the coroner.

Yeah, the whole heroin addict-rock star thing works out fine for their audiences, not so much for their kids. I imagine she had to do a lot of work to come to grips with his “legendary awesomeness” vs. her childhood’s reality. I say this as a huge Nirvana fan and as an addiction therapist.


They could release a video of Kurt Cobain killing himself and this dipshit would find some way to twist it as a cover up or false video or some other fanatical conspiracy-theory bullshit.

I think she does - but I also think its probably hard to think he was also a drug addict and committed suicide. I mean his awesomeness was driven by a much darker side sadly.

Unless this Lee stalker guy has expertise in forensics or criminology, he has no need and no right to see those photos. And I’d like to think the medical examiners office in Seattle did its job properly.

It is a paradoxically defining trait of assholes that they’re so self-absorbed but with so little self-awareness that they cannot tell just how badly they’re coming off.

Given that picture above, she needs to be checked out for everything, including that disease from 12 monkeys/28 Days later.

Performative masculinity as a compensation mechanism for a deep inferiority complex is a Russian tradition. Putin is a walking example. The re-assertion of chauvinism helps these men feel strong, even though they are weak. The feeling only gets more acute when your country is brought low and embarrassed for a decade

American dude here married to a Russian-speaking Lithuanian. (It’s complicated.) Between just wanting to have folks with whom to speak Russian and our daughter being into figure skating, my wife and I have gotten to know a lot of Russian immigrant moms.

God, what a fucking dirtbag, I hope he gets hit in the dick by lightning.

I am used to getting what I want from women. It’s pretty easy.

It is a paradoxically defining trait of assholes that they’re so self-absorbed but with so little self-awareness that they cannot tell just how badly they’re coming off.

Consider this unrelated story about a cyclist who crashed into an old lady along a multi-use trail in Spokane, Wa. When asked why he didn’t slow down,