
I’m guessing that they have a pretty iron clad contract with a non compete clause.

There’s a big difference between being mean and juvenile and being blatantly misogynistic.

What the fuck are you talking about. You can’t compare old DeadSpin to Old Barstool. That’s a fucking false equivalency if I’ve ever heard one. Also, your joke about pageviews clearly gives you away as a stoolie. Fuck off.

Deadspin didn’t post that video. I know that because it still exists and Gawker doesn’t.

They’re already starting to attack Laura on twitter. Nothing more pathetic than grown men/teenagers “rising up” to protect a fucking website, whose owner doesn’t give a flying fuck about them.

Barstool is dumb and unfunny, but IMO it would be just another dumb and unfunny website (like The Chive and BroBible) if it weren’t for the fact that its fanbase is an atrocity. “Stoolies” are worse than cult-members when it comes to blindly, unreservedly, and violently defending their Dear Leaders. They append

Deadspin has plenty of pieces where they make “jokes” about how women who wear size 6 skinny jeans deserve to be raped? What are you talking about? I’ve been reading Deadspin for over a decade and can’t think of anything like that.

Well, with Barstool they have creative freedom and the backing of the Chermin group if some shit were to go down. There’s a lot of uncertainty leaving to do your own thing, ask Bill Simmons how that goes.

I’ve followed Barstool for quite some time now. Not as a reader but more of an observer who has watched it grow from a regional blog to the behemoth it is today in the span of a decade. The least redeeming quality for some of my friends is that they’re big Barstool fans. They aren’t full blown “Stoolies” who harass

ESPN: The people who welcome Barstool Sports and silence Jemele Hill.

I honestly don’t understand why they haven’t just fully broken away on their own yet. There’s nothing Barstool does for them that they can’t do on their own or with another outlet.

Portnoy is the drunk libertarian undergrad wannabe frat-bro asshole who somehow stayed on the periphery of your friends in college. (Perhaps he could get drugs.) Those guys never fucking change and just become more pathetic as they get older.

Perhaps ESPN figures as long as the listener is happy to tune in to hear that Colin Kaepernick should be deported they don’t care whether they know it’s satire or not.

I support what was said... by the devil.

He can’t run a football team for shit, but at least he understands the issue they are protesting against

Guess I have to move Jed York from Inhuman Mutant Wealth Baby down to Usually A Big Fucking Asshole, Usually.

Isn’t lil’ Jed the youngest by far of all the NFL owners? So this kinda makes sense?

While his stance on the anthem kneeling is almost commendable, he’s still almost solely responsible for the current dumpster fire of a team that is the 49ers. Fuck Jed York is right.

I’m glad to hear this from Jed, but my profile pic will remain the same.

Good for him. Unfortunately, he’s also managed to drive a franchise into the ground, chase away the most talented coach they’ve had in years, and relocate the team into a fucking oven that’s not even in SF.