
Maybe he’s playing a one-man scramble and just hitting twice and playing the better ball to keep his bullshit handicap down.

Based on the caption, I assumed his shot was going to bank off the ball in the foreground.

I actually have people looking into this right now. The best people. And you wouldn’t believe what they found. I’m going to give a major speech on the topic of Trump’s national origin in a week. Maybe two weeks.

TBH, has anyone actually seen Trump’s long form birth certificate? I’m not so sure, I’ve heard from many good people that Trump may have been born in Kenya.

At this point, the only thing Trump hasn’t done that he’s accused Obama of doing is be born in Kenya...

In fairness, a fiddle would get lost in that neck and they don’t make one small enough for his tiny hands.

Can you really call what he does playing golf? Just cheating and driving around and trying not to pop a seam on your manziere?

At least Nero had the courtesy to perform music that others could enjoy.

And I’m sure that’s the biggest reason why he hasn’t shown up yet, honestly.

Yeah, and she said “superpredator” that one time in the 90's, so she’s the real racist.

What about her EMAILS though?!

We don’t want him here. Seriously, if this asshole shows up to throw some paper towels he will be endlessly heckled and booed for the soulless coward he is.

Maybe he’s just been referring to himself as “Obama” all this time and none of us has caught on?

Would everyone please just calm down? Trump already met with the President of California a few days ago.

On days that end with “ber”

I’m literally packing up my truck to drive up from LA and help do whatever I can and this fucking orange dildo (but like not the good kind of dildo, but the bad kind; all misshapen and full of splinters) is playing golf. Fml.

Huh. So that’s what it looks like when a ziplock bag of mayonnaise hits an approach shot.

He complained about how much Obama golfed. When ISN’T he golfing?