
Ruth Bader Ginsberg?

If I hadn’t heard Stan Lee say it, I wouldn’t have mentioned it. Plus, it’s not really my point in the first place. My point is that minorities often get the shaft in comic books (I just didn’t want to ignore all of the ok things that have happened to us).

Travel to exotic locations and crash into fishing vessels!

So Daniel Radcliffe has now played Ginsberg and Ghinsberg. What’s next, Ghinnesberg?!

Good job intentionally missing the point. It must take a lot of skill.

Simple, he IS the farting boner corpse. Spoilers.

How is he supposed to survive in the wilderness without the aid of a farting boner corpse?

I’ll admit, I had lots of swears in my two comments and lots of people tend to think that’s rude. I call my communication style “direct” but whatever.

As another Canadian, I hear non-English as much or more then I hear English. I’m not offended or suspicious about it, it’s just part of every day life. Generally in public I prefer it, over hear people saying stupid / ignorant shit in English, if it’s in another language it’s just background noise.

Not caring if someone is speaking a different language is now woke? Then yes, I guess I am.

Yeah, I agree. I said this in a couple of posts that apparently didn’t go over too well since they’ve both disappeared...but even in a work environment, if someone is speaking a different language and doing it disrespectfully, the problem is the disrespectful behavior and not language it’s happening in.

A buddy who did two tours in Iraq and I were joking that every time someone tried to use the troops as a reason for something he’d like to step out from a behind a curtain in uniform and just slowly shake his head at them.

If these folks actually cared about veterans as much as they say, we wouldn’t be jamming them into meat grinders all around the world, VA hospitals wouldn’t be horribly underfunded shitholes, and The Wounded Warrior Project wouldn’t have to exist because we’d fix our vets instead of relying on charitable

While I get what you are saying, but perhaps the students should actually listen to their teacher instead of acting like entitled little brats.

I just sent an email to a friend in Afghanistan.
He recently asked “What the fuck am I doing here?”

It felt good to let him know that he was fighting so that people could speak American. I’m sure he’ll be touched.

I know some veterans and, barring exactly one person, they hate this shit the most. They fought for their own reasons, and they really hate being used as a political chip.

These people not think there are members of the military who speak other languages on the regular?

The United States doesn’t even have an official language. So those men and women constantly fighting for the eponymous “American rights” could be fighting for those kids to speak whatever fucking language they want to speak.