
Did anyone stop to think that writing 20 lines about how superior you are in your ability to not take offense or judge others conveys both that you are offended and judgmental? the part of the golden rule you’re ignoring is treating others in a manner in which you’d like to be treated. You know, all of it. That

So, uh, who’s the toolbag that starred your crap???

A game isn’t a criminal case, it’s a social/communit event and guess what? The community isn’t immune to consequences when members of the community are being assholes.

I guess you missed the (poorly drawn) swastika on the car?

How about making the fact that those little pricks did what they did so miserable for everyone - including you - that you also make sure that you don’t encorage or raise little pricks yourself. In other words, too bad you’re inconvenienced.

Yep! Already got a couple, blaming other reservations for not helping Pine Ridge instead of like...holding the federal government, who stole the land in the first place, accountable for their failure to uphold the promise of social and economic support. I’m Native myself, and I always find it amazing how resentful

I made a burner account just to mock the idiots that took your comment seriously. This is why our country is circling the toilet - we’re not even smart enough to get incredibly, incredibly obvious sarcasm anymore, let alone fix our myriad national problems.

I am just dreading you receiving comments reacting to all those stats with something in the line of ‘bootstraps’, ‘personal responsibility’, ‘they should do better, why are native americans so lazy’ and so on.

its like that in North Dakota as well, my wife is from there, I can only stand a couple days around the people up there, just awful people on a whole, but they LOVE JESUS AND THE FLAG

That’s because it makes poor white people feel good about themselves when there are even poorer non-whites to look down on.


From my experience, nothing works better than peer pressure, especially for teens. By canceling Homecoming and effectively penalizing everyone, those who did participate will be feeling the heat from their peers, guaranteed.

These facts just do not matter to most non-Indians.

In a statement released on Thursday, Meade School District Superintendent Don Kirkegaard wrote that he was “appalled and disgusted” by the racist message, which was spray painted on a car as part of an unsanctioned “car bash” activity ahead of Sturgis Brown High School’s homecoming game against the Pine Ridge School

If you think this is an isolated incident, you’re fooling yourself. South Dakota treats the native population with little respect and has done so for generations. As long as the rest of the country spends money here, attending the Sturgis Rally and the numerous tourist traps, nothing will ever change.

1. I live in this area. I could go on and on about how high racial tensions are in South Dakota. There’s a lot of outright hatred of Natives here. I myself have been called a Prairie N***** when I was 8 years old. And that’s not even a rare thing. I know lots of people my age (I’m 30) who have had that happen growing

The people in the Black Hills are the worst- unapologetic openly racist white trash with nearby Natives living in the poorest counties in America. It will shock you how blatant the anti-native sentiment is in towns like Rapid City, Sturgis, Deadwood, or Custer.

As long as no beautiful flags were disrespected, we’re all good?

Well to be fair the natives come from a school that is located on the poorest reservation in America with unbelievable poverty, infant mortality rates and rampant addiction issues. So.....they kind of had it coming.

It’s totally the older generation...