Not here anymore

the children/fully-mature sperm sliding out really completes the whole thing.

"So a dude had to hold it open and they had to barrel in against the strong wind blowing out."


Are you white?

I definitely want to play with Kevin McKidd's caber. (No offense, lad.)

Just a reminder that "redhead" doesn't always mean "white."


Mi mi?

I married one, we have a beautiful baby girl with her daddy's hair.

If you're looking for a change, maybe I'm just the sweet thang for you.

I'm literally melting.


Yes! I wear mine outdoors when it isn't wet. I didn't realize when I got them that the crepe sole wasn't really meant for outdoors (oops, haha). I have a pair of old old mukluks for indoors that I've been "borrowing" from my mom since I was a little kid. I mean, these mukluks are probably like 30 years old, and

All this anti-bacterial stuff is a bunch of hogwash. My dog licks his own butthole every day and he's never sick.

Apparently, anyone who says being obese is unhealthy is now "fat shaming" and/or "concern trolling," but honestly, if people are content being "large and in charge" and happy with their bodies as they are, then they wouldn't be so offended by those who talk about the legitimate health risks associated with being

I think that's unfair. Skinny can also be beautiful. It's just not the only thing that is beautiful.

So no thin people are beautiful? That's a shitty thing to write. How about there is plenty of beauty to go around regardless of size? How about looks aren't a great measurement of beauty? Body shaming is a shit thing to do regardless of the direction you throw it in.

I'm sure I'll get a lot of Internet hate for this, and I'm NOT suggesting they should lose weight to adhere to ANY standard of beauty, Hollywood or otherwise. These actresses are beautiful women exactly as they are, but I disagree with the idea of a pact to NOT lose weight. It essentially means they're giving each