Not here anymore

i need a husband like that! i am 100% serious that a man who loves my cats will have me for life.

This is the truthiest truth of the day. Made even better that it starts off looking like the diagram my mom drew when I asked what her big q-tips were for.

my nighttime routine with one of my cats - picking her butt crispies. i dont even think about it. my life has been so taken over by them that i dont have any pride left.

I wish my cat would lick his butthole. As unpleasant as this, a cat butt with dingleberries is far more unpleasant.

Good for them! I'd start shopping at H&M again if they make this happen.


Well good. No one should starve so I can have a $5 t-shirt.

I believe it's called IBS.

Irritable Bullshit Syndrome.

I know this is not the point of the article, but who comes up with this stuff? Seriously, I want to know his/her thought process. Goodness! This is a time when parents and the child should interact!

I've brought up the fact that Jews don't exactly have a free ride in America, only to be told off. Even on this site.

This sounds like a real mental illness, not OMG GIRL LOL. I hope she gets some help.

I want to buy her a drink.

You know what else is fucking great and super effective for alleviating menstrual cramps? Pot.

Ironically you, above all others here, have nailed the exact reason why people who are serious about tree decorating prefer white lights. Colored lights are fine if what you have is a mish mash of random and homemade ornaments, but when you've gone out of your way to buy numerous sets of beautiful coordinating

My take away from this article...

Both kinds of lights are cop-outs. These are the options in order of preference:

1. Candles
2. Directly set fire to the tip of each branch
3. You are a communist

Based on US consumers' buying practices, no one gives a shit about this women. If your dumbass owns a single article of clothing made by these women, or others like them (to include men, and children), then you are part of the fucking problem. Own it! For a country that goes ape-shit over anything that could vaguely

I have queefed so rarely—three times in memory, I think—so I just find it extremely alarming when it happens. Because one, you can't feel it coming like you can a fart. Two, you can't cut it short like a fart. And three, everything just flaps about like a mini fart hurricane is ripping through your vagina, and I'm