Not here anymore

....and that's what happens with a little company in Maine gets taken over by Clorox.

"Oh yeah! She's totally asking for it. You can tell because she's wearing that Burt's Bees lotion. She wouldn't be using it if she didn't like the attention.

And eat a little box.

Sarah is probably still secretly driving into Canada for her health insurance.

There's a specific equation involving blood alcohol level & ingested crack cocaine that is used to determine if you're in violation of the Ford directive.

In parts of Canada, I understand you can drink and drive, and still be mayor.

My in-laws' insurance is changing its structure. They previously paid $2 copays but $700/month in through his union job, in 2014, they'll paying less than $300/month and have a 10% copay, and now they have a $1000 deductible. They are freaking out. Even though I walked them through the math, and if they go to the

I can't be the only one who laughed the second I saw this face. I literally stifled a laugh, because his face is just... so hilarious.

Actually, when fake shit like this turns up in my newsfeed, I like it. It helps me weed out dumb people.


Next time someone insists that Rape Culture isn't real, that men in this society do not feel that they are owed women's sexuality, that our culture does not pressure women into silence or compliance, that sexual harassment and assault are the lone actions of individuals and not the product of communities that tolerate

I'm no lawyer, but I think she stands a good chance of wringing those assholes clean of every dime in court.

Well christ on a crutch, you would think they'd at least have to ASK women about a nickel allergy. Nickel dermatitis is not uncommon. My mother had it. She could only wear 14k gold (or better), some stainless steel, or platinum. Anything else and she would turn into a walking rash.

Guarded by actual Scotch probably. Forty-year-old Macallan, perhaps.

I really, really want to believe that society is changing for the better, and that the fact that stories like this are finally making international news is proof that, as a whole, we accept institutionalized misogyny less and less. There has to be a bright side to all of these stories (Rehtaeh Parsons, Steubenville,

Damn, Amy Adams wore the shit outta that bathing suit.

I see a lot of folks complaining about BCoops hair. I don't think you realize the amount of work that went into achieving this look: