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Wow. You are very angry and very bitter. Why can I not trot out a common-sense point of view that seems to be needlessly buried by psuedo-feminist rhetoric if there is something to it?

Okay, I don't want to victim blame, yet I can see both sides here (the other side not wanting young women to end up being victimized). Can't we say something like WARNING: Overconsumption of alcohol may leave you less able to defend yourself against predatory assholes?

Did your comment get cut off? I wanna read the rest! Boo!

Indeed. YUM. (Yoni Yum?)

It's okay. It probably just means your wine is better than mine.

Oh, thank you for your kind words, you're gonna make me cry. :-)

Yes, or I did. I mostly teach art, photography and fashion now. But I did pre-AP/AP English and creative writing for years. So much fun!

You've got the right spirit...and you don't judge. That's why you have friends. Some people don't get that!

Yup, I'm Canadian, so I'm just waiting for the day the US invades us for our many lakes and rivers. Only I guess it won't be the US per se, but countless multinational corporations. And there won't be a war, only quiet wheeling and dealing while they drain us dry (images of Vampires come to mind...and not the sparkly

Yes. I love this one. Even better, I love sharing this one with grade nines, explaining that it is a very well-known IMPORTANT poem, and then asking them what they think poetry is. The sound of little heads popping open like dandelions never fails to delight me.

Yes, Power Flower, that's what I said. :-)

Yes, of course (though I still like the way it sounds, despite the negative connotations). I'd also like to reclaim man eater, tart and the ever-delectible "strumpet."


Oh yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Just grab a beer and stop judging already!

Yes...also, some virgins are total fantasy sluts, so whether or not they've actually "done it" is irrelevant. Like many things in life, it's the thought that counts.

Resource...why yes it is. The natural resources that your municipality sold to Nestle (even though you paid for them with your tax dollars). Kiss them goodbye!

Also..."lady stud"...mmm, "Power Flower?" "Femme fatale?" "Bombshell?" Suggestions?

I dunno...I don't hate on non-sluts, but really, if you don't swear, drink, or screw around, I probably can't relate to you. And I sure as hell don't trust you. ;-)

Well, they aren't long enough for my orangutan of a husband.

Welp, Pineapple Commonwealth and it's other brands (Old Lady, The Crap) refuse to do anything about working conditions in Bangladesh (or anywhere else for that matter) so I refuse to buy anything from them anymore. Problem solved.