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Well, I'm glad my pants have told you everything about me.

Ah yes. It's so simple! Must be nice to have all the answers.

You do realize that a huge amount of American households have parents that work multiple jobs (on top of housework and child rearing)? Also, the American food industry is heavily vested in "training" our taste buds to prefer strongly salty and sweet food; it's actually addictive. So no, it isn't that people are just

And that other issue isn't really something you can overlook. Also, a lot of people don't really seem to know much about food or how to prepare it any more, so they are intimidated to try cooking from scratch. In all, it's a complex issue.

I love MFP. Looooove.

You're brave! I wash and blow out my curls once a week (sometimes less with the help of dry shampoo). That's it. Easy peasy lemon pie. Curls involve a lot more washing and styling to look good.

Me too!

Chemical funk. Tee hee.

THANK YOU for explaining this. Also, I am very glad you're okay! How awful!

Har har. But seriously, shit's so toxic it can kill. What if that were YOUR kid? Hmmm?


Slavery never went away, it just moved/looks slightly different. That's something we really need to wake up to.

And doesn't that just break your heart? I know it hurts me.


RELAX EVERYONE. Most of those outfits make Gwynnie look quite short and stout. I'd say that's half a mil not-so-well spent.


Yeah, for months now Lulu has been blaming the poor quality of their pants on people "not checking their coverage" and buying an incorrect size. Now all of a sudden the pants are "defective?" Yeah. Sorry, that shit don't fly. You tried to stiff the customer to raise profits. End of fucking story.

Also "I can do whatever the fuck I want because FEMINISM." Almost as enraging as "Women don't need Feminism anymore because so many illusions of choices! So much stuff to buy!" Puke.

You would think that would be the case, but I have seen more than my fair share of self-proclaimed "feminists" who have no idea what the term means.

Keep in mind that up here in Canada, it's sold in the grocery store. Not exactly couture.