Not here anymore

Yeah, because it's a fucking contest.

Yup, 22 hours here. That's NOTHING. Wimps.

I take no issue with you (or most other parents that are doing their best); I take issue with the narrative that we've all bought into that says it's okay for four year olds to be running around in plastic poop bags. Sixteen months sounds like a good time to start if you ask me (I'm not potty training my seven week

I do all of that and much, much more; I counsel, I call parents,I set up interventions, I talk openly about bullying, cycles of violence, how the media plays into it...I am the teacher whose room is always open so kids can just hang out in a safe space; the LGTB gang and autism spectrum kids are in my room at lunch

What the hell do you propose we do? Beat them? Stalk them? Take away all the phones and internetz? Maybe tape their mouths shut? Kick every kid who teases or jokes or pushes on the playground out of school forever and ever?



Yes, I realize that now. Apparently I shouldn't comment when I'm so grumpy/sleep deprived. I can't self-edit for shit.

Yup. You crazy monster.

Elimination communication. It's also called (incorrectly) "infant potty training," but it isn't. You can't train an infant, but you can learn their nonverbal cues and respond to them.

I'm sorry, which way were you pointing?

I've read that article, and it certainly did get me thinking. But EC is not potty training, and I really don't think the author understands EC (he actually said later he knows almost nothing about it), so I'm not sure it applies. Obviously I'd like my kid to be fully toilet trained earlier rather than later, but we

Aw, it's okay. We're gonna have a $10,00o first birthday party.

Yep, I bought lots of second-hand dipes as well, got some great deals. Yes, we use the liners (flushable apparently). And yes, we still have a lot of mess too. I guess we just feel like we can handle EC, it's very normal where my husband comes from, so he doesn't see it (or cloth diapering) as a big deal. Different

No, over the stupid ideas the diaper industry has convinced us of.

Thank you, thankyeverymuch (takes deep bow to reveal bare ass, farts).

Well, my husband comes from a background where all children are potty trained by one, so we see it a bit differently. I have heard that you need to look for "readiness" cues too, and am prepared for the fact that we may well be still working on potty training at three years old too. Obviously you can't force your will

Nope. Ew.

I didn't mean to sound like I was judging the parents (though upon re-reading, obv. The last sentence screams of judgement), I'm upset with the mindset we've all been lead to believe is the "only" way to parent. As yes, I do realize I reek of class privilege. It is my great hope that one day my sisters in the US will

Yup, lived in Central America for years. Never once saw a kid do that!