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Thanks. Will watch the duck-like tone. Quack!

Well, as a sleep-deprived (and slightly grouchy) mum, I didn't vet that comment very well, no. But you don't have to insult me; of course I don't talk to students in a judgey or self-righteous tone (aka how to get a room full of kids to the you in .002 seconds).

Well, I think we can both agree it will eventually happen. Your point?

Interesting perspective; thanks for posting!

You're right, I should have framed it more like the former.

We're lucky (and rich) enough to have a very good stash. Plus with ECing, we catch about half the messes, so that's half as many dirty diapers right there. No, I'm doing laundry all the time because my kid has an amazing ability to spit up on everything. ;-)

Obviously I'm a newb and am bound to have tons of failures and setbacks. I think we can all agree on that. But I do have the advantage of being a teacher as well, so for years now I have spent all day raising other people's kids. I am confident, but didn't mean to come off as judgey at parents; I'm mad that so many

He won't be. EC isn't potty training.

Sorry I came off that way, it wasn't my intention. I just hate that diaper companies have successfully sold entire generations of parents on the lie that disposable diapers are the way to go and that potty training should be put off as long as possible. It's fucking reprehensible. However, it isn't the fault of

Nope, I never said it did. But at least my kid will recognize that getting waste away from him (as opposed to sitting in it) is the better option.

No problemo. There's lots of good Elimination Communication web pages, communities etc. out there for when you are ready!

No, and I never said they were. But they haven't been trained that sitting in their own filth is acceptable either, so in that way when you EC you're ahead of the game.

But as someone else pointed out, EC is not the same as potty training. We will have to potty train too, just like everyone else.

I wasn't judging parents, I was judging the idea they we have to diaper our kids until the age of four.

Do tell me, what line of work is professional jackassery? Genuinely curious.

I live at the corner of eff off calm down.

Sorry you feel that way; my judgement was directed at the diaper companies and their brainwashing.

You don't have to stay at home to EC. How very assumptive of you.

I beg to differ. Two loads of laundry a week versus something that will take 5,000 years to breakdown in a landfill. No contest. As for the fecal matter/, no. Half the world does EC, and those people aren't unhygienic. I see that as a rather bigoted comment on many levels.

Um, thanks. Sorry I let you down. My judgement was directed at the diaper industry; I fully realize not everyone has the privilege to enjoy the same parenting style I chose (which also makes me mad!) It seems no matter what parents get a raw deal.