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Yep. It's always someone else's fault.

Um...did you ever consider that he just didn't know you well enough to know your speaking/writing style and was therefore suspicious of plagiarism? I'm not saying he's right (he sounds like an arse), but putting in the occasional appearance in class and getting to know your prof is usually a pretty good idea.

Nice rubric!

You can call the teacher out in a nice way too (also socially acceptable). "I think I could be wrong, but I thought that..." Or "it's interesting you should say that, I actually read that...". It's not hard to present a contradicting point without being a flaming arsehole about it.

Oh, FFS. Go get a clue.

Teacher here. Yes, we are biased, unobjective and flawed. Sometimes, we really like (or dislike) a student and it clouds our better judgement. That being said, I am almost always rooting for students and giving them the benefit of the doubt because (gasp) I want them to succeed! I don't think I'm alone when I say that

Right. Blame someone else for your problems. If you'd really cared that much, you would have apologized to the teacher, studied harder, sought out other opportunities to learn the language and grown the fuck up.

OK Doug, we get're insanely jealous of Yann Martel.

I hear you...unfortunately, my passive-aggressive (ex) best friend was my MOH...was constantly late, dropped the ball on all kinds of small tasks, talked shit about the other bridesmaids and guests, bullied me and basically acted like she was at a funeral during the wedding. I really wish I had cut her loose before

Please, just elope. Nothing worse than a potluck wedding.

Nope, that's totally fucking rude. You can't sort your guests into "classes." Where I live this is known as a "fire extinguisher" wedding (with class A, B and C guests) and is only done by the trashiest types.

Celebrities are idiots.

Yep. Nothing to do with luck.

Me too. Do what you like, but I'm skeeved (equally applies to male and female bodybuilders).

Agreed. I feel the same way when someone stands too close to me in line too. In my books this isn't homophobia, it's about personal space.


In my experience these "nice guys" always end up being the ones that have (in my experience) crossed the line; I've been stalked, harassed and raped by such assholes. I used to think I should try to be nice to them/befriend them because...well, because I felt sorry for them. Now I see them for the passive-aggressive

Yep, this makes total sense to me!

I'll agree with that; eye boogs are a definite no-go! Like you, I expect people (all people, unless severely sick or injured) to put in some effort- clean body, face and hair, pants that aren't pyjamas, real shoes, etc. I don't feel that women should have to wear makeup or that men should be judged for choosing to

While I'm sure the politics of wearing makeup are more complex and troubled than I care to admit, I personally find I like to wear a little bit, and will even apply it if I'm just staying home (BB cream, cheek stain, concealer, lip balm, maybe a bit of mascara). I find my makeup routine relaxing, and it gives me a few