Not here anymore

Yes, ethics fatigue; there is something to this. It is hard to expect people to keep fighting for what is right when a)they see very little progress being made or kept and b) their own lifestyle sand ability to provide for their families is increasingly under attack. I'm sure the recession plays large into this. And

Yes, maybe we're going through a time of"concern fatigue." It would certainly explain why movements for social change aren't getting very far. We really are parasites...question is, will we be dumb enough to kill our host?

Interesting perspective, I think there's a lot of truth in what you're saying.

I'm not really one for the "back in the good old days" mentality either, because you're right, thattimedoesnt exist. But the wayside it is the people who are trying to promote ethical discussion, manufacturing and practices aren't actually the ones who have much control. Most of us who would like to see ethics playa

I think we've entered the age of the death of ethics. Nobody seems to have a fuck to give about human or animal rights or the environment, so long as there is a profit to be made. Just one of the many sad, scary effects of uncontrolled capitalism.

I was thinking FTC (Fuck That Cunt).

Usually Tracy's articles drive me nuts because of the content, but this one was just incoherent. HUH?

For me, as a person with BiPolar disorder this has always been difficult, as my ability to spend has been tied up with my lack of self-esteem (especially when I'm depressed) or my need to feel a thrill (shopping addiction). While I've never racked up a debt I couldn't get out from under, I certainly have made life

My thought exactly.

Bahahaha! Yes, I'm pretty sick of "Ho" lowe'en.

Indeed. FUCK YOU Viv.

Do you feel that way? I don't. I hate being referred to as "lonely only." And I'm not sure I'm all that crazy. Creative, yes. Crazy? Naw. When I look at all of my friends and some of the BS caused by their birth order/sadistic siblings/favouring parents, I feel relieved to have escaped all of it.

ZOMG I have the twin of this cat. Only he has orange spots and prefers head-butting me to actually removing my glasses. But still!

Totally unwearable and gratuitous. I love it.

Oh, I think she needs a wee bit more help than that! Girlfriend looks...ew.

Terrible. This is just mean. Fuck off Benefit!

Yes, this is real. And it is such a pain I the ass to deal with as a teacher. Half of the bullying I have to deal with is clueless kids who watch too much TV acting just like people on TV. And of course, they have no idea how unfunny and inappropriate they are.

Agreed. A huge part of the "fault" here lies with corporations and the government.

Capitalism: seducing and manipulating the masses into buying huge quantities of products they don't need, are bad for them or are made using exploitation while encouraging them to go into even deeper and deeper debt to pay for it all...and then shaming them.

It would seem it isn't the kids injuring themselves on the trampoline, but their goddamned helicopter parents who won't let them bounce alone are responsible for most of the bone-crushing. Ah, the irony!