Barf Cosby

Reddit made me salty about comments like your OP. Much appreciation for being an adult through my saltiness. Cheers.

No, don’t be daft. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that your confusion is not trolling. What’s infuriating is you insinuating that because you didn’t go through it, that it isn’t common. You’re trying to present that as evidence when it’s completely irrelevant and anecdotal. I see that comment literally every

Nothing is more infuriating than reading a comment like this, as someone who experienced childhood sexual abuse first hand. Your comment is totally irrelevant and anecdotal. Nobody is saying it always happens, but it DOES happen frequently. Go work in daycare for a few years and you’ll see how many parents don’t

It always amuses me to see people shit on trophy hunting on a video game forum, as if playing video games in general isn’t a “trophy hunt” of sorts. This guy wanted to do this and he did. Good for him.

Not for consoles it doesn’t. For handhelds yes. Switch is uncharted territory there.

I’m curious how you feel about 2k14. I think that one gets overlooked because it was PS3, but they actually went back to the style of game SvR 2006 and prior had. Nothing on PS4 has come close.

I’m with you. Here Comes the Pain, forever and always for me. And honestly the next two (and prior one) weren’t so bad either. Just Bring It was terrible, though.

I’m not going to use your quotes against you as you are so keen on doing (lookin’ mighty fine from this high horse) but you brought up apples and oranges. I did not bring up intellectual property until you tried to pivot the argument by using actors in a film as an example as if it’s a comparable situation in the

Incest “literally” not happening was literally never the point. Literally, the point was always that the owner of the literally kissing literal pixelated-fictional literal brothers potentially being upset about his company’s intellectual property being depicted as two literal pixelated-fictional literal brothers

They are actually brothers because they are fictitious characters originally written as brothers by an author. So they’re brothers.

Nintendo’s tacit approval of incestuous brother love makes me feel ok with my life decisions. Phew, indeed!

I never found an Osiris group, but I had a fantastic time on many of the raids. I spent 12 hours trying to get Oryx done on hard and it was one of the most satisfying/frustrating/horrible/fantastic experiences I’ve ever had on any video game. Cayde certainly wasn’t there. The game certainly didn’t look like that.

I was playing a game in first person view, without swaying cameras and a reticle on my screen the whole time. Sometimes I was on a sparrow. I jumped a lot. Show me that footage and it ought to be impressive enough that a five minute CGI movie set to a Beastie Boys song looks lame in comparison.

Semantics, but the max rank IS seven, so a liar not am I.

Message boards are only for undivided praise and attention, especially for a struggling indie game such as Destiny 2. Lesson learned, thanks professor teacher!

It very much is not. Platinum and over a gajillion hours and max rank on all the books here, thank you very much. Never made it to Mercury, but I bet it wouldn’t feel like this if I did.

This dumb and not what it’s like to play Destiny at all and I hate trailers like this and that is all good day.

Uhaa picked that name himself though.

I support comic characters of all kinds being played by actors with the general look. I’m curious if you felt as strongly about say, Johnny Blaze being played by a black guy when he was explicitly written as a white guy. Is there a difference to you, or anyone else that feels so opposed to the Hellboy casting but not

Interesting, I didn’t know that.