Barf Cosby

*Outside of the first movie and the third movie.

That’s fine. You had your mind made up when you made your original post.

There’s always way more people like you, preemptively calling out fans of FF7 before anyone even says anything. I know they exist, I remember when they were at their peak and I was probably one. I love FF7 the most, with 8 being a close second because of what they mean to me and what time in my life they represent. I

Yeah! They should be REAL productive and comment on Deadspin articles!

Has anyone ever done this study with Marijuana smoke or vaping pot?

The irony of you being a misogynistic clown while condemning use of hurtful language is strong.

It’s trite as fuck, but nothing truer;

I hate hyperbole and I’m a tired boy and I like to shower with these movies, so the combination of all of the things equals who cares. It’s just math. You have made me literal <LOL> and I’m glad this is where this very important discussion ended up.

The irony of you asking me to learn the difference between subjective preference and an objective view on a film is palpably hilarious in and of itself, but then you try to back it up by regurgitating points you’ve probably been repeating since the release of The Dark Knight Rises, when it became trendy to call these

The same as you ever were; a snob.

Just because Kip Russel doesn’t like the Nolan trilogy, doesn’t make it crap, got it. Disregarding everything you say.

Your entire opening statement is your premise as to how Batman Begins is a ridiculous failure, when your opening statement itself is a failure.

1. Beauty and the Beast

y u hate hunchback

Took me too long to scroll down and find some love for Hunchback!

Even if they do patch it, since this is the base release, one could always go back and delete game data to use it pre-patch.

Considering how downright awful the music was for what seemed like AT LEAST five years, the fairly recent trend of not only listenable but genuinely enjoyable on their own themes is welcomed.

This is the best wrestling article I’ve read in ages that isn’t Matt Fowler’s “Wrestling Wrap-Up!” Kudos to you and more of this please!

Misinformation is being spread. Naming your EV specific names only works guaranteed on your first evolution of that creature. Anytime after that is luck.

It’s why your avatar is a customized picture of your screen-name in an AC/DC font, the message board equivalent to taking a selfie.