
“In lieu of a commemorative statue, the San Antonio Spurs are happy to announce that Tim will simply stand outside the arena at all times, stoically contemplating the horizon.”

It’s not up to Margaret Cho to alleviate Tilda Swinton’s white guilt. It’s not her job. She is not Representative Asian #4. If Swinton had mixed feelings, she has the money to avoid the role and choose something else. Once she chose to move forward and do the role, then who is benefiting from those guilt feelings,

Yeah, it was still not okay to seek out an Asian person you don’t know to have the white person guilt convo, and that is really how it looks to me. She joked about it afterward, but the feelings of having to hear/witness/be asked to be in that conversation must have been maddening.

Let’s give some credit to the Minnesota athletic department here. They suspended the alleged perpetrators immediately, publicly released the report of the allegations, and met with the rest of the team within 24 hours. Compare as opposed to the usual bullshit say nothing and hope the problem goes away because there

“Actually, here’s the evidence...”
“So they did what now? ...Ok, what time do we show up? Don’t tell my parents, k?

And if the filmmakers were really trying *that* hard, they could’ve found a way to do that role without it being a stereotypical mess. Ah, well.

How is asking questions equated as have Cho do Swinton’s “intellectual labor”? That assessment seems colossally unfair.

It really seems like Cho brazenly misrepresented their conversation. Huh! Not a good look

Except Tilda does a weird, insensible thing when she says, “I’m a Scottish woman of 55 who lives in the Highlands. There’s precious little projected on contemporary cinema screens that means a great deal to my life, if truth be told.”

Yeah, funny enough, that’s exactly how I hoped a conversation like that would go and for some reason it seems like Cho decided to twist it around on the podcast for comedic purposes. Maybe there’s more to it than this, but right now Cho looks very bad.

One of my favorite things to do at work is to simply respond with the forwarded email that contains whatever they said that they’re now claiming they didn’t say.

How did a copy/pasted email exchange between 2 other people involve any bias on the part of Rich?

seriously. she didn’t need to make a statement. she was just like, “here are the fucking emails. have fun.”

nope. Tidla’s emails were typical IM A NICE WHITE PERSON GIVE ME COOKIES, she literally checked off the bingo list. Maybe she shouldn’t have blasted her publicly, but I don’t blame her, mostly because like her in Trumps America I don’t really care about white peoples feelings anymore

Totally how I read it too.

Or Cho is a lying hack and tried to get the spotlight put on her?

I’m having difficulty understanding Margaret Cho’s perspective here. It sounds like Tilda was up front about the issues, expressed her desire to do something about it and sought advice from someone who is in a good position to provide it. And Cho’s responses were thoughtful and measured as well. Not sure what got lost

This makes Margaret Cho look pretty astonishingly two-faced, tbh. Which is about the last thing I could imagine Margaret Cho being accused of. Maybe she felt like she had to be nice to Tilda because she didn’t know her well, and as she gained distance from the conversation she started to resent that she was put in a