
Same, here in Florida, though the difference is not large. For me it’s gone back and forth a couple times between the Gecko and Flo. I shop around every single year. One will lowball, then try to raise the rates considerably in a year or two, and I switch again. I haven’t had a claim for other than a broken windshield

Showing the same respect to laws and rules as Trump.

Revoking some more employees’ fully remote work privileges.”

It’s the equity company that adds the debt. They load the purchase cost of the company onto the company as debt and use the company as collateral. Then they make their money back + interest. Then they sell it off. Whatever they sell it for is pure profit at that point so who cares if the company is in shambles. They

Yeah. Sounds like yet another instance of bankruptcy abuse by the hedge fund corporate wreckers.

Huh, did not know any of that. Was just a windshield sticker as far as I knew. 

The actual Hoonigan likely didnt have anywhere near this much debt or business volume. They were basically a merchandise and media production company. The nugget hidden in this article is that Wheel Pros, a MUCH bigger company, bought Hoonigan last year and renamed themselves Hoonigan. The company that went bankrupt

Define shit drivers.

The vehicle should follow the laws. if the laws do not make sense then they should be updated, whether its legislation specific to autonomous vehicles or not, but a system fails when the requirements are frequently ignored. 

Being predictable is the safest way to drive. Shit drivers are unpredictable drivers. Someone that stops at a stop sign is driving predictably. Someone that rolls through it is not. 

The other 70% should be ticketed.

The whole selling point of autonomous cars is that one day, hypothetically, they’ll be safer than humans because they won’t get tired or lazy or lax with the rules.  “No u-turn” signs might seem arbitrary sometimes, but there’s usually a reason they’re there.  Teslas ignoring those signs and then having to back into

Yes? 100% it does.

First Gear: For the love of god, Tesla (and Waymo and the rest), stop forcing the public to participate in your half-baked experiments against their will.

I didn’t think Viggens were this cheap, 4k is a steal. Easy NP even with higher mileage.

Headlight wipers.

all good choices fellow Jalops. One that I think is missing is from the 2nd or 3rd Matrix movie. The scene for which they built a piece of fake highway. That was pretty awesome too.

Man, if only there were some way to confirm this theory. 

You dahn’t wahnna go dahwn that road.

I am going to guess 30k lbs of feathers.