
I hear ya completely.  I also love the new Scouts and am extremely interested in them.

The actual inconvenience is rapidly becoming perceived inconvenience, in my opinion, since you can get to 80% charge in 15 min these days. On a road trip it is not imperceivable to spend that much time stretching, getting something to eat/drink, use the bathroom. Of course there needs to be enough chargers to handle

Thats a very good and level-headed take on EVs.  I think they do not make sense for many right now, but the improvements we are seeing what feels like daily is super interesting.  I’m not interested in getting rid of an ICE option as that would be throwing away decades of infrastructure, but adding EVs seems like

Yes exactly. We did just finish paying off our Telluride and that car I am tempted to trade in while it has some value and while we still are budgeted for that monthly cost. I am not super interested in holding onto a high milage Kia (85k miles on a 2020) even though its been a freaking great car for us. Its an

To be honest, 1.50/gal gas would still not make me switch.  The only reason I havent made the jump already is my two fully functioning and paid off ICE cars that we drive less than 10k miles per year combined.  We have solar and want to use excess that we dont get paid shit for to go to a battery and an EV will pull

We arent lucky enough for him to croak early.  Guys gonna live to be 100 somehow.

EVs are the perfect solution for millions upon millions of people. Even if you do not give a solitary shit about the environment (which tends to be a leading argument), the convenience factor of plugging into your house and having a full battery every morning and never stepping foot at a gas station again, the

Having driven a Polestar 2 and recently seen their latest offerings, I really really like them and view them as an option.  Tesla on the other hand, has been removed from any consideration for years now.

You only use the service if you are in an area with no reception, but yeah they still partnered with them so they are complicit.

I’m pissed that TMobile partnered with them.

So where is he already working?  Next town over?

I once really wanted a Tesla and now its a non-starter.  Less than zero interest.

The Equinox looks like a great car.  It grabs my attention every time I see one.

Now I want one even more knowing I dont need to deal with a dealership.

Magic Eraser has absolutely taken paint off my walls, so I’m leery about spraying WD-40 on them.

Rivians are everywhere in SoCal and I cannot wait for the R2.  Mavericks are plenty out there but they blend in so well that you just arent noticing.  Maybe open your eyes and get some fresh air and you’ll start to notice the world around you a little better.

/grabs popcorn

Somewhere, George Costanza is livid.

The 40k version will be for sale later this year in the form of aftermarket sales.

Mercedes is so jelly right now.