
Agree completely.

Thats both interesting and good to hear. I feel the same way about Progressive, too. In all my interactions with them (when I had them), I always felt like, man, I really dont want to have to need these guys.

I wish I knew the fun accounting tricks.  Hopefully they got really creative with it.  Y’know, like, really had some fun.

Agreed 100%.  We have No Fly Lists, we should be using them a LOT more.  All those videos of passengers going nuts?  They should never see the inside of a plane again.

Geico is by far my cheapest option and I dont really know how. Progressive was robbing me blind before switching.

I still think about and miss Consumerist, which was long ago the best of the Gawker Media sites and was bought by CR.

No way.  The GOP has to carry JDV to term.  No getting off easy, unlike JDV at a LivingSpaces.

Thats a nice lookin’ plane.

This was the GOPs attempt to getting out of JDV as the VP on the ticket.

How is that much debt allowed to be accrued?  

Yeah, its not a mountain of work to plug in every time, but for that cost I am not running out the door to get one.  Very ready to never step foot in a gas station again though!  Good to hear that this drives nicely.  Not something I hear often about Jeeps.

I am sometimes forgetful, my wife is sometimes forgetful... To remember to do every time you get out of the car is more work than I want to do for a car that costs 30k. Like I said, for half that cost, I would make it work.


If I’m honest, 20 miles on a battery and the ability to charge from home with solar, it could do 80% of what I would need it to do. But all that work to charge it every single time I come home... It is just not worth it to me for that kind of cash.  If it was handed to me, or say it was 15k, yeah, I’d make it work.

Dont get me wrong at all, it sounds like a blast.  I love HP but I also feel like access to it has gotten to easy.  Not that it will ever be restricted, nor do I think that is something we should be wasting any resources on.

300 for a small-ish car?  That seems nuts to me.  I have just short of 300 in my Telluride and that feels like a lot more than needed.  I only say this because way too many people are out there abusing the power.

My Escape Hybrid has about 170hp and has done me fine, but really isnt enough.  My Telluride has just shy of 300 and I would say that is definitely enough and we rarely use Sport Mode, almost always Eco.

That Laforza looks like a 20 years later Gen2 Escape.

Bob Barker died a year ago at 99.  As close as he could get to a dollar without going over.  RIP.

Rocket ships? Kinda.