
"I suppose earlier generations had to sit through all this huffing and puffing with the invention of television, the phone, cinema, radio, the car, the bicycle, printing, the wheel and so on, but you would think we would learn the way these things work, which is this:

Yeah, I know how much I hate it when someone gives me an iPhone for free and I have to spend ten bucks.

You can create an iTunes account with an iTunes gift card.

From a 2013 perspective: The Hindenberg had a smoking room.

Meet the SS United States, which also had spectacular art deco interiors, and which still holds the speed record for the Atlantic crossing. And unlike the other classic liners mentioned here, the big U can still be saved.

I love the design, but they botched sales. A four-banger would have been blasphemous, but I still think a V-6 version under $30K would have sold like crazy.

Yeah, watching the demo footage, the big advance appears to be that Sony discovered gamma.

Shhhhh..... he can HEAR you ........

Still just the one, right? Sunrise in Atlanta tomorrow is at 6:59 a.m.

So, 13 minutes before sunrise, then. Awesome.

Oh I must have missed the alternate universe where actually doing work had any connection to running Windows.

For starters, I'd be happy with a car that self-valet-parks. Drop me at the front door, find a space, and come back to pick me up when called. Like Knight Rider but without the turbo boost and the Hasselhoff.

A brief history of the technologies that will fix everything:
1860s: Steam
1890s: Electricity
1930s: Dirigibles and/or autogiros
1940s: Jets
1950s: Atomic energy
1960s: Space-age polymers
1970s: Microchips
1980s: Lasers
1990s: Superconductors
2000s: Nanotechnology
2010s: Graphene

Free OS upgrades have been the norm for most of the history of computing. It wasn't until Microsoft sold an OS without selling hardware that it was otherwise. Apple never charged for an OS upgrade on Apple ][ or Macintosh until Mac OS 8 or 9.

Yes, and we build roads to accommodate vehicles that were designed for roads that were designed for vehicles that were designed for roads that were originally designed for Roman chariots, and much of our transportation infrastructure is still indirectly based on the width of a horse's ass.

How do you hold a hardcover book comfortably? A newspaper? It depends on the size and weight and seating position. When I had a first-gen iPad, I had a strap across the back I could hook my left hand into, or I used both hands. With the Mini, I usually palm it (even with relatively small hands) or hold it by the edge.

Yes, but after a long day of sweating it out on the streets of a runaway American dream, can you ride through mansions of glory in them?

Politicians should learn the value of the phrase "as we know it."

The difference is specific claims. Religion, as long as it sticks to metaphysics, is unprovable and unfalsifiable. Claims to be able to speak to the dead or cure disease or foresee the future are subject to scientific testing.