
It's going to be hard for anyone to break the Canon/Nikon duopoly in SLRs. They have a 25-year headstart in lenses in the whole gamut from cheap crap to the price of a car and slightly smaller. Even if the Tamrons and the Sigmas of the world start producing Sony-mount lenses, there's a robust used gear market out

"This shot is nose-free."

True. Actually, the neuralizer would be the most useful MIB device, but I'm not sure if it counts as an according-to-Hoyle "weapon."

Green Lantern's ring. The Iron Man suit is a close second.

The Sunday comics page is like a crappy album (which is to say, the vast majority of albums): 5-10% the stuff you came for, the rest filler. And Family F'ing Circus. Newspaper comic strips are unkillable — Brenda Starr, Mary Worth, Nancy, Marmaduke, the Phantom, Funky Winkerbean are all still out there. Hell, Peanuts

This is the surest sign yet that the Galaxy is in the same league as the iPhone: People getting pissy that it isn't something earth-shatteringly new eery single year.

The S4 has the same screen resolution as my iMac. Pushing that many pixels means a harder-working GPU, which means a lot more power. The bigger screen just means a bigger backlight — it's the pixel count that really increases the battery required.

The backers of ZionEyez think you're adorable.

Hey, did anyone mention that it's waterproof to 5 atm and that you can swim with it and chaange tracks in the shower?

I can see this with a Web/desktop/mobile app that lets you build furniture and then generates a parts list; ideally with an AR component that lets you see it in the room. Great for odd little corners where you'd like to put shelves or a table, or for camp/tailgating furniture. Whether it's remotely practical will

The developer of Byline, the iOS reader app I use, is looking at switching to Feedly for his back end. So I'll be waiting to see how that plays out. I split my reading between phone, tablet and desktop, so feed synching and caching for offline reading are essential.

Anhydrous alcohol — for lab uses where even the slightest trace of water would muck things up — is >99.5% pure ethanol. Unfortunately, the last traces of water are displaced with benzene. You don't want to drink it.

My completely anecdotal experience interpreted through probably misunderstood science is that alcohol numbs the vagus nerve and dulls the cough reflex. Sore throats tend to feel better if they're not re-irritated every minute or two. It also replaces the irritation caused by post-nasal drip with a less-obnoxious

A non-profit organization that exists to develop open-source software. Gosh, where did they find the money to ... develop open-source software?


$200 for a used Treo 300. It wasn't ready for prime time, so I didn't have it long before getting the 600, which was pretty hot stuff (and priced like it) for its day.

I don't think you understand how a boycott works.

The name is a marketing gimmick. Higher ppi is real. There's not a catchy generic name, so Apple's wins, at least until they start suing to protect their trademark.

Original Macintosh: 512 x 384. Of couse, there were also decades of 80 x 24, but that's different.