
When you factor in the number of pre-pubescent girls, post-menopausal women, and lesbians in the population, each fertile hetero woman is going to have to have triplets, maybe quadruplets (No, I'm not going to pore over the demographics of Moscow and do the math).

It's easy to mock, but what were they supposed to do? Teddy Pendergrass, Luther Vandross, Isaac Hayes and Barry White are all dead.

You'd be amazed how much effort brands like Maxwell House or Folgers or Lipton put into finding and blending and processing coffee and tea to make sure it's consistent. It's mediocre, but it's always the same mediocrity.

Does Giz need a giant flashing sarcasm tag of some kind? I thought "at least once a never" was enough of a clue.

Srsly. They haven't come up with a big, game-changing new product in almost three years! Most tech companies have big ideas like that at least once a never.

I don't see colors for the iPad. Between three wireless options (WiFi-only, GSM, CDMA), three capacities (maybe 32, 64 and 128 by the next generation), two sizes and two colors, that's 36 models; each color added to the lineup adds another 18.

The dev team and their kin decided a while ago to skip 6.0. They didn't want to burn an exploit just to have it nailed shut in 6.1.

I'd be down with ditching e-mail if there were something to replace it with. Replacing an open universal standard with a hodgepodge of proprietary systems on closed networks isn't it. I don't consider it an improvement if a message I need to refer to is on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, SMS, or any of the plethora of

Both. The deadpan seriousness of the joke at the bottom of the card reminds me of Mark Twain.

My favorite is the campaign for a popular and critically acclaimed HBO series. "[female friend] likes Girls" pops up every now and then.

Um, today's close is higher than AAPL hit at any point when Jobs was alive.

1) It's Kansas City, not Kansas.

Java ≠ javascript.

PART of its cash hoard? AAPL's market cap is $476 billion as of today's close. Stock buybacks are usually at a premium over market price, so Apple would have to spend two and a half times the most generous estimate of its big pile of money to go private.

So do you plan to edify us, or did you just come here to shit on the other commenters and then leave?

Mensa always kind of struck me as a lot like a fraternity, a group people join so they can have a group to belong to. I enjoy the company of smart people, but it's not like they're rare or hard to find, and I'd rather find a group of smart people who read and discuss books, or politics, or whatever they have in common

That's great, because I'm always using all my voice minutes while I have half a years worth of data that's rolled over from month to month.

The math doesn't work. He was 16 when he wrote the paper in 2008, and he's 19 now?

I miss that bad boy. You know what I don't miss? Transferring 1" reel tapes to one of those.

A TI printing calculator. If I didn't bring in my own gadgets, the newest technology in the shop would be the c. 1990 CD player.