
Brittannica is $3 a month. I can't imagine Wikipedia charging that or more. If they went to a subscrption model, I'd expect a wave of new volunteers and users for h2g2.

I'm not sure having a computer whose screen can be hijacked by anyone with an iPhone is optimal. It would be nice to have as a free utility from Apple, but I can understand why they didn't install it by default.

AirServer is a $15 app that works reasonably well. It streams into Quicktime Player and isn't as elegant as a built-in option would be, but it does fine on the 2007-vintage Core Duo Mac Mini I moved to media center duty when I got my iMac.

"Apple: why did you make something so beautiful and good, yet stick the often-used headphone, USB, and Thunderbolt jacks in the back of the computer?"

I have one of these mounted to the side of my desk. If I had a black desk, it would actually be pretty unobtrusive.

After they dropped the number from the "iPad 3," and then kept the number on the iPhone 5, my theory is that iPad updates are going to be handled more like Macs and less like iPhones. They're taking it off the strict yearly upgrade cycle, and giving it model numbers like "iPad (9.7 inch, late 2012)". New full-integer

Combine this with the fact that they dropped numbers, and it wouldn't surprise me if Apple is getting off the annual upgrade cycle for the iPad altogether. Theycould treat the iPad like they do the Mac, upgrading when they're good and damn ready to and calling them things like "iPad 10 inch (late 2012)."

A desktop or laptop, not much; I have guest accounts set up. Phone or tablet, God yes. Because if they drop it and it breaks, now I have to hound them for $500, and suddenly I'm the asshole.

I stand corrected. I remembered pieces falling off before impact, but misremembered how few of them.

Remember American Airlines flight 587? Probably not. It's the plane that blew up over Queens on November 12, 2001, killing all 260 on board and five people on the ground. The difference between blowing up a plane in mid-air and having it hit a target intact is pretty well summed up by the fact that AA587 was the

The Macs at my college newspaper had an extension that did the same thing in about 1989. It was cool for a few minutes, and made the newsroom feel like something out of "All the President's Men," which is how all college journalists secretly see themselves.

I was thinking in the opposide direction: Post something innocuous, get a lot of likes and comments, and then edit. Post "I love tacos!" and then after your friends click "like" and post comments like "I can down three at a time!" then you go back and change it to "I think old people should be hunted for sport."

Two arguments in favor of electric cars:

It doesn't look like it will stand up — not in a cupholder, not on a desk, not on the armrest of a chaise lounge. That's a deal-killer for me.

There is precedent either way. The iPad Mini would follow in the footsteps of the iPod, with the Mini/Nano/Shuffle reaching down in to the lower-priced market. The idea of the Mini/Nano when introduced was that you don't have to settle — you can have a real iPod, with a real iPod interface, for the price of a wannabe.

It's going to have to be something not only that no one else has, but that no one else has even thought of. I can't say "it'll succeed if it has [x]," because if I've thought of x it's a fair bet Apple and Google have, and they've got the rest of this year to match whatever it is RIM comes up with. Unless it has

I've gotten faster on the iPhone keyboard than I ever was on the Treo (300, 600 and 650). Probably because I use it so much more.

The voice bubble that says "_______________________" ought to be a giveaway.

Anyone who has ever been in a couple will have at least one familiar moment of recognition — that's why the device of the couple interviews works so well. Bruno Kirby (gone too soon) and Carrie Fisher fill out the story wonderfully. And don't forget Rob Reiner's mom delivering one of the best punch lines of the last

If the US were to fake a moon landing, they would have to know that it would be discovered one day; either it's possible to put people and machines on the moon, in which case someone else eventually will, or it's impossible, and someone will eventually figure out that fact.