
Nice try, with all your sneaky science. They just tried to push "climate change" because "global warming" was so obviously a hoax. I mean, if the temperatures aren't at record highs everywhere all the time, there can't possibly be anything wrong. Because anything true is simple and obvious.

Yeah, you're right. I mean, it's not like we ever hear anything about the F-22 or F-35's problems on Gizmodo. (cough)

I can't get the transcript to load, but my recollection is that Daisey talked with Ira Glass more than once about acting as a journalist, and how unfamiliar a role that was for him. "Don't make up facts" isn't an arcane bit of journalistic ethics.

This. Greywater recycling is pretty routine in remote, dry places, and on the International Space Station. It's one of those things everyone talked about during the severe drought in the area a few years ago, but like alternative energy and gas prices, everyone lost interest when the crisis ended. Watering plants with

Psssst. No one tell Darek that we also have Georgia towns called Cumming and Climax. Quite close to each other, actually.

Step 1: Announce that you're going to continue to evolve the product.

Now you can get far richer, more nuanced photos with more shades of gray than any monitor or printer can reproduce. But you''ll *know* they're there.

"Damnit. Left my coat at home. Too late to go back. I'm man enough to handle it, though. #tippecanoe"

With a screening of "The Making Of The Making Of Titanic."

Yeah, but it's followed by "Going on. #heart"

That's also how the Mobile Me iDisk works (though you can turn off the local copy), and how iCloud works, though it's not transparent about it. I understand, though I don't like, killing off iDisk; Apple has the lunatic notion that users shouldn't ever have to trouble their pretty little heads with the file system.

It'd be really great if folks stopped using "mantra" when they mean slogan, rule, guideline, principle, mission statement or joke. #peeve

Anyone who thinks there's no connection between weed and gadgets has never had a stoner roommate. If the collective effort spent perfecting new pipe, bong and hookah designs were applied to cars, we'd be looking at 100mpg by now. Of course, you'd have to "carb" manually, and the cars would smell like hell.

Most, if not all, predators scavenge. Bears, wolves and coyotes rip into garbage cans, and in Alaska bald eagles flock around dumpsters. Natural selection rewards creatures who get their daily calories with as little effort as possible.

Never mind.

Someone needs to hook these 230% efficient lights up to some of those 114% efficient solar panels announced in December. Free energy!!!!1!

Was my sarcasm too subtle? I thought "barely five years old" was a giveaway. (And yes, I have a 1G iPhone, but it's pretty much an iPod now).

What about my first-generation iPhone? This is bullshit. It's barely five years old. I'm going to file a class action suit and write to my congressman.

So from the user's perspective, all I have to do is find a NFC-equipped smartphone; place my faith in its security; and then climb up to the billboard or work my way through the crowd to get right next to the sign. Or wait for magazine publishers to start embedding NFC chips in their ads. Yes, I can see how that is a

The Kevin Costner "Robin Hood." Yeah, we both just copped to watching it.