
It's called American Exceptionalism, you America-hating hippie.

"Yeah, except for the 100% of their business that people actually buy: Film, paper, chemicals and processing. Seriously, only tech nerds care much about digital cameras. The rest of the public knows them for film. That's their big business. And if they were ever on anyone's mind it was for that, not EasyShare. If most

The flaw with that theory is that the CIA and NSA don't want people running around overthrowing oppressive regimes all willy-nilly. They want to target just the ones we don't like (Iran) while leaving the ones we do like (Saudi Arabia) alone.

You know how bad this looks? It's worse. Looking at the original on BGR, the stuff though August 2013 is the "9 month plan of record" — past that, it's a "plan of intent." So they're not even committing to having the new hotness some 20 months, two iPhones, and a dessert menu worth of Anrdoid updates from now. They're

More futuristic than an obsolete system built in the 1970s? Impressive.

Yeah. Why would anyone want to keep anything that isn't New! Shiny! Just think of all those landfill employees you're putting out of work. Why do you hate America so much?

I'm not buying it. I'll bet the snozberries taste nothing like snozberries.

The main reason I jailbroke my 1st-gen iPad was SBSettings, which has gotten even slicker with Notification Center integration. There are all kinds of goodies you can add to the Notification Center to make it a more useful little flip-down.

I'm short, so legroom isn't a big deal. I don't have particularly strong feelings about how far my seat reclines, but the seat in front of me always comes back too far. A tray table at an acute angle to the seat back is not conducive to the use of a laptop.

If those cops observed pirated CDs being sold, went to a judge and got a warrant, then yeah, it's the same thing. And legal in both cases.

Do you really think SOPA was thought up by Congress? It was handed to them fully written with a bow on it by an MPAA lobbyist.

You know what else works? Money. It doesn't have the romance of camping in the park or the stylish charm of Guy Fawkes masks, but money lets groups like the EFF and ACLU get in the face of voters and the people they elect. More people than will see your Twitter pic or Facebook status. Imagine if every [insert color]

Reminds me of the sex tip about using Altoids during oral sex. Some people reported a pleasant tingle, while others reported that it was like their junk (or lady junk, as appropriate) had been maced.

That would be like eBay becoming a buyer and seller. iTunes has created the marketplace; other folks have, and will, come up with new business models to replace the labels.

Rupert Murdoch on the Twitter is topical. Rupert felt the need to respond after he heard one MySpace joke too many, mostly on Kate Middleton's voice mail.

What part of iTunes uses micropayments? I do not think that word means what you think it means.

i've been using VNC for a long time, and Splashtop is noticeably better. It's the first remote application I've used that does pretty close to real-time. It's a proprietary protocol, and what it's based on I don't know, but on a local network video is quite watchable. RF's scenario above is a pretty good use, but

I, for one, don't have a Windows desktop sitting around. If I did, I doubt that my previous-generation machines would be as snappy as the OnLive virtual machine. Word 2010 launches in about two seconds. And it costs about $5 less than Splashtop.

Film isn't going away. It's just turning into an expensive niche hobby.

It's in the app store now. 88/107 ratings are one-star so far. It does not apparently replace the lock screen — it's just an app, which sets off an alarm if you exit without unlocking. The app can, of course, be killed from the multi-tasking bar, so there's no real security here.