
I don’t know, I actually tend to like menus/overworlds like the Wii U one more because it gives me a better sense of progressing by opening new areas instead of just seeing new options added to a menu. For example, I liked wandering around the observatory in Super Mario Galaxy 1 much more than the menus of Galaxy 2.

Many people do pay for their games, the thing is Denuvo doesn’t really change that number. If anything I’m more likely to buy a game if I can buy it without any DRM(which is why I buy from GoG when at all possible)

[Incoming political opinion]

No because play on final destination and get good scrub /sarcasm.

Everyone knows that the only way to play Smash Brothers is Fox only, no items, Final Destination. That’s the only way it was ever intended to be played.

THANK YOU real pro are good no matter the terrain

Take the stage picking away from the competitors is what I say. Then you’ll have an environment where those who have truly mastered the game can shine.

But how does he deal with that in the interim? What if after the one time she’s still not sure? Hell, what if after the one time she *is* sure and, as he’s established, he isn’t comfortable with multiple partners?

I guess some people are obsessed with dictating what fictional female characters can wear in a game that is not even made to them.

You know, with options to how you can make the character look I’ve never really understood complaints about one of those said options being ‘skimpy’ or ‘unpractical’.


She doesn’t wear skin-tight clothes to work in the arctic-cold climates. Her uniform is at least 2-inches thick. Have you ever seen what Eskimos wear? I hope you don’t assume that their 2-3 inch thick clothes to be what their bodyline is supposed to be.

The only people that notice stuff like this on their own are the ones that need to find something to complain about to sustain themselves.

Is it good or bad that I wouldn’t have noticed this if it wasn’t pointed out?

Er, she looks normal to me, it’s like she removed some letters of her closet and is wearing something a bit tighter, which makes everyone look thinner

Sorry, this is stupid, this would be like saying, “Let’s remove all the rape cases from Law and Order SVU because it makes me feel uncomfortable.” I will never understand compromising ones story just because the actions that are taken make a viewer uncomfortable. Stories are meant to convey an emotion, whether

I don’t think I was ever going to play this game, but it saddens me that the developer felt she had to remove and rewrite a scene simply because it made people uncomfortable. If it gave them the option to opt-out in any way, and they didn’t take it, that’s on them.

Content removal is a nuanced discussion, but I’ll never understand the logic behind removing *optional* content that makes *some* people uncomfortable, especially when it already comes with a warning label. You lose something and gain nothing. What’s the point? I feel like it takes a really insecure and controlling

I’d say SR4 was a bit disappointing despite it’s super powers. Super powers are awesome, but in SR4 they made the weapons/cars too obsolete imho.

I feel the same way. Now it really is it’s own game, but SR 4 was a bit disappointing because of the super powers.