
I’ve actually never heard of anybody asking for a Netflix style service for old games except recently on one video on Kotaku, after it was already announced to be a thing. Before that, everybody was explicitly asking for the virtual console to remain constant between all devices, so that you can play NES games you

It really wouldn’t. Objectively all the other services are better, and Steam’s (and in the case of cloud saving, the Xbox’s) is actually free, on top of also allowing you to store saves locally with an external hard drive. On top of that, the paid services on other consoles do also offer other things on top of that,

It’s actually kind of amazing how they’re doing literally everything wrong with the Cloud Save feature, to say nothing else about the rest of the “service.”

I agree that’s certainly part of it. Squash and stretch are part of what makes animation what it is. But there are tools to get that job done: I work in a small studio in the animation industry (nothing too fancy, just fixing animations) and previously worked with tools that allow for stretching models without

I really hate the trend of simulating 2D with 3D. I wouldn't even mind it so much if they just kept it the full 24-30-whatever frames, but the frame skipping genuinely makes me sick. I'm not being dramatic, I have an adverse reaction when I each this sort of thing for any extended period of time, which is pretty

It’s in game money which can only be earned at a remotely reasonable rate via expensive microtransactions, as the microtransactions have artificially inflated the time it takes to earn said money and increased the rate at which you lose it. Which does have an impact on your life as its literally taking time from your

BroForce is on Switch?! Damn, this is great news~ I hope they have a level editor on it though.

I feel them. It sounds like work, so why bother?

Which is still a far, far worse monetization method than literally every other free to play card game on the market by a wide margin, especially when you consider the fact that there does exist licensed card game video games that come complete with a full video game attached that also allows you to earn cards as you

The fact that Valve a has the gall to actually sell this game with a price tag honestly has me at a loss for words.

It makes me glad to hear some devs say stuff like that. This is exactly why I hated last gen’s game’s tendencies to just make you sit through every part of the game laid out in front of you as written, largely in part of the industry’s desire to emulate the linearity of movies. Not every part of a video game needs to

Sorry, but none of that is true. Game companies have been making more money than ever through sales alone, let alone DLC practices and microtransactions that add on top of that. And no, IAPs are not a direct result of prices staying at $60. It was just the natural progression of seeing what they can get away with. The

Not that I condone separating games into separate packages, but the purpose behind that was ultimately to encourage player interaction and trading, so you can still get the Sandshrew without shelling out for the other copy.

You know, at this rate I don’t understand why they don’t just make it a free to play game. Companies are always showing statistics that microtransactions are where the real money is, and given that the game is chock full of them at least they’d be able to get away with it because... Well, it would be free to play.

No, please, and I wish people would stop suggesting this as that's just factually not true. The only thing that’s going to change is that the base price will be higher. That won’t change the microtransactions and chopped-up DLC practices like studios would like to have you believe.

I mean, I agree, but it’s nearly impossible to play DnD without eventually coming across combat. And given that most botched attempts at socialization or stealth can result in combat with the decision of only one or two dice rolls... It’s nice to be prepared.

Unless the title changed I think he’s implying that magic isn’t at the core of the story; it’s not an end-all, be-all deciding factor in the story’s driving force and outcome. It’s just an obstacle in the world, like a disease or a wild beast you have to cure or fend off. Presumably it isn’t even used by the primary

Streets of Rogue can’t come soon enough!

I’m one of the few who genuinely loved the underwater battles, and honest to god to the point where I truly did not understand why people hated it in the slightest. There was some sluggishness to the nature of having to swim, sure, but it did offer considerably more freedom when it came to dodging and added a whole

That’s the one thing I always hated about Monster Hunter (a series that’s pretty much a close second to Doom to me, which is my favorite series of all time). The monsters are nearly all dragons. Or dinos. And I mean, they’re awesome, yeah, but it’s not exactly all that awe inspiring to fight a dinosaur or a dragon if