
For the longest time, Steam’s built-in chat functionality has not been what I would call good.

They do look considerably different, but in Leon’s case I actually kinda see what they’re going for. After 2 Leon became too much of a hardcore badass despite being over his head in his first game, so a softer face seems to be them trying to evoke that feeling again.

I hope that they still have SnapMap for this one as well. Highly underrated feature especially after all the updates.

PUBG Corp. is claiming that Fortnite’s popular Battle Royale mode copies PUBG’s interface and in-game items.

I wish I could believe you but there was a lot of 0% chances for a lot of bullshit things happening in games for the past several years. Heck, microtransactions in $60 games was once considered a 0% chance of happening, and now it’s the norm. So while I think that they’re probably not gonna go down this path for a lot

DMC had always had platforming levels, especially in 3 and 4 where they severely punished you if you failed them, too. They were considerably worse especially because of the wonky gravity and minimal air control, too, and you’d often have to start over from the beginning of the platforming if you didn’t succeed,

While I get the sentiment of the article, I’m one of those people who value the amount of time I get out of something with the money I paid. Yes, I played lots of amazing games where every second was incredible yet short, but that shortness had always been a problem for me. Bleed 2, most recently, ended about as

I don’t doubt that. Still, the fact that there even is a clarification is rather ominous.

It’s kind of scary that you actually have to list “access to the shop” as a feature you can access without subscription. Are we really headed to a time where we have to pay real money to get permission to buy stuff?

It may just remind you of why people love superheros in the first place.

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R: Lords of ShadowMirror of Fate; Revengeance

I think it’s more a show of respect or a moment of silence. You have to admit, the title alone does incite a bad image now.

Meanwhile, on the PS Vita...

Meanwhile, on the PS Vita...

As someone who fell in love with R6-3 and SWAT 4 this sounds amazing. I hope there’s an offline mode. I’d play this f@#$ing everywhere.

Standalone Comrades? Interesting but they have a lot of lost potential they need to remedy for that first.

No, that’s actually entirely backwards. A company has complete knowledge of how and where purchases were made, especially whether they were titles bought or microtransactions. That’s actually why microtransactions are so prominent now; because people are buying games regardless of them, even if less than 10% of

Switch release when?

I really, really, really, really, REALLY want to like Spec Ops: The Line, but... good lord, it’s so incredibly dull to actually play, at least in the first two hours or so. I know the whole point of the story and maybe that’s why the gameplay is so drab, but I just cannot get into it. There had to be a better way to

“We’re making games again.”
//Doubles down on monetization on old games.

I read somewhere that the mode was temporary. Is that the case?