
I still wish you could customize your character more, esp. the body type. I wanna play a human rogue, but it seems awkward for the human rogue to be buff as f. Still, at least I can play as an elf now, their body type seems more proper for a stealth character.

But seriously, do they not have a server browser in MH World? I remember that being in the old games and always working just fine.

I think he’s saying that the game had a mediocre release before growing exponentially over time.


As someone who generally holds no interest in 2D head to head fighters (especially a series as insane as Dragon Ball) I did have fond memories of the original Budokai board game story modes. They did a ton to make the experience feel far grander than it really was. If this is anything like it (at all) I think I might

Honestly, even after reading this article, the only thing on my mind is how bs it is that games nowadays have a tendency to straight up remove content from a product you already bought, even if it was just a free bonus. I get removing a download option from a store, sure, but it’ll never sit well with me to have my

Well they did have fridges. Also, apparently, robots (not puppets). The whole world is sorta anachronistic.

Now playing

None of that information holds water when you consider the cost of game development and distribution as a whole (especially with the rise of digital), the much, much larger audience nowadays compared to before, the general lack of content compared to last gen, the flat out lying of the three biggest studios regarding

Ohhh, that makes a ton of sense. Yeah, I don’t think it loaded when I looked, thanks!

I’m mostly confused what’s with the two (identical) episode structure thing and male and female voice actors between the two. Is there something I’m missing?

On the third day of Christmas, the Doomguy gave to me

I think the reason this is a big deal is about the system gaming the odds per player, a la Scientific Revenue. It’s strange that companies would be THAT apprehensive about showing people the odds unless the case was that the odds werre different for everybody.

Actually, and this surprised me too, EA was the one to start down this path before everybody else ever since Andrew Wilson got on board. So really, they just went full circle.

Well I’m not saying the game was too hard, it was just tedious to get to the loot and stuff. You had to put in a lot of effort just to get to the basic features the game promised. It had to be more balanced somehow.

Without sacrificing the challenge and variety that makes the game so interesting, it dolls out more money, guns, and other drops throughout the course of a each playthrough while also making warps between rooms more plentiful.

Kind of ironic all these competitive oriented Smashlikes have Brawl in the name, which is the most despised entry in the series.

Heroes in the half-time.

Thank Arceus, he actually looks like Ash now.