
I mean, Saints Row, Doom, Halo, and other games similar had done it since practically the beginning and it was always amazing. And all they did was shove another player in the single player. So many games try to develop separate modes for some reason and it always turns out to be crap.

I’d really love to see a Monster Hunter really push the envelope of what’s expected of the series. Can you imagine Breath of the Wild sized maps with MH formula?

Touche. Still, I wanna be scrawny.

Huh. I thought this was an infomercial for Pachinko machines.

Sure, but after the novelty wears off you’re stuck with a hundred hours of a joke that just keeps being brought up and stopped being funny long ago.

I just hope we get body type options. It was weird making a rogue and looking like Conan.

Bungie hasn’t yet said anything about cross-play between platforms, and I can’t imagine that happening for PVP simply because PC players would have an unfair advantage in the Crucible.

Most of that is common sense. But birds are hard to take care of and who would know that something as innocuous as a chocolate chip cookie is harmful to birds if they weren’t explicitly told?

Metal Gear Solid begs to differ.

free to play

That game is so old and is STILL the best in that regard. Also just the best racing game in general.

It’s depressing that we actually came to a time where they need to announce that “no microtransactions (RE7)“ is a feature and “playable offline”isn’t something that’s just expected in every non-MMO video game.

Stopped reading here. Time to download DOTA 2.

There should be a law where the minimum required for trademarking or copywriting a name has to be a portmanteau, a made up word, or no less than two words side by side. All this one word trademark stuff is really putting a damper oncreating names in general... and they usually don’t even come up with good names.

Is Tut supposed to be an emoticon? That’s the only logical conclusion I can come up with.

He said “cool” sniping experience, though. Not “realistic.”

Cross-dimensional combat.

Because some of the voice work, especially in 4, was excellent in English and it’s a real treat to listen to.