
I will hack it across the game,

Building hype, 100%.

It’s only a matter of time!

If it makes you feel any better, most who play Infinite Warfare claim the multiplayer makes no sense to them, so you’re probably not alone in your KDR.

I imagine that it’s deemed “ruined.”

... He had me at “always a crystal.”

Well, they’re both very much targeting the same audience with the same general gameplay, albeit with different angles, so I should think they’re competitors. Much like, say, Battlefield and Call of Duty.

You know, the funny part is that the thought didn’t even occur to me until after I read the title (I saw the picture first).

Actually, HotS isn’t even that stressful when compared to its competitors. :P


To be fair, stuff similar to this was actually considered a stepping stone for things worse to come in the past, and most if not nearly all of the times people claimed that turned out to be true.

I imagine remaking them for mobile would result in one of the many PvP city building nightmares mobile developers have the gall to call “games.”

Doom now has the capacity to remake and make original Classic Doom levels. There’s even a few that are playable.

IIRC that’s the trading card game.

Kind of old news now but I’ll be in Doom SnapMap way more often since the update. Some of the classic maps people made are actually better than most map mods I played in the classic Doom!

True, but then that would encourage devs to make better core gameplay. :P