
He sounds like he’s Michael Jackson.

I'm also calling bullshit. For as long as I've been aware I've had genitals, my minora has tried to steal the spotlight from the majora. THERE ARE NO BIT PARTS WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR BITS

We need a nicer term than “roast beef curtains.” Pleasure drapes? Vagina Valance?

They live in a ridiculously big house. She probably went to sleep, he went off to the home gym, video room, office, sauna, whatever.

My theory about Vicki’s behavior towards Heather is this: Vicki is afraid of her because Heather has more money than Vicki. The only thing Vicki values is money and everyone else’s fortunes don’t compare to hers. But not Heather. And it completely freaks her out.

I was told when I was pregnant with a boy “A daughter is a daughter for life, a son is a son until he takes a wife.” I was a hormonal pregnant and tired intern and got tears in my eyes because just heard at first that my son would stop loving me. Then, I realized exactly how sexist it was and started raging. I love

Then there’s the inverse:

Weird. I’ve heard it the other way: “A son is a son till he takes a wife but a daughter’s a daughter for the rest of her life”. But either way, feh.

As a British woman, the idea of tipping has always been somewhat alien to me. I just sort of expect that a restaurant bill or taxi fare will go towards paying people fairly, the notion that I should be partially in control of how much someone else’s employee earns is baffling. If I ever visited the US, eating out

Good luck with that.

I love this article so much. I have changed my tampon in front of my 2 year old son, he has not really noticed it at this point, but I wonder when is the line when I stop doing such things. I mean, he’s just always around.

Some of my favorite GG lines were Blanche’s. “We’re… uh, going… door to door collecting lingerie for… needy sexy people.”

After Rose inquires about loving two men at the same time- “set the scene, have we been drinking?”

Well said!! I am also someone who’s never seen dozens of beloved sitcoms that others would argue are better.

As much as I disklike the Palins, I don’t wish any harm come to Bristol.

My brother died of a heroin overdose in June. It was his first hit after 3 years of sobriety. My family has been very open about his cause of death for just this reason, but it can be HARD to be honest about it for a few reasons...

Cheating on an ill partner, what great advice. Dan Savage, wow! What a guy!

Look I did not mean to insinuate anything about your relationship and sorry if it came off that way. I was just talking about how I felt about the topic specific to some of the things that you brought up, and those are the things that go through my mind when I think about it. My partner and I merged accounts right

We have joint accounts. It works for us because we have very similar financial goals and don't make big purchases without agreeing on them. He doesn't really care what I spend, but it's pretty rare I spend anything excessive anyway.

I haven’t the foggiest clue where I heard it, but I remember one soundbite that captured my views perfectly:

Do not ever ask about someone’s reproductive plans.

I have a very modest 1 ct. diamond solitaire ring that cost $6,000. It is also the smallest out of my group of friends (not complaining, just stating a fact). Not sure where they got those figures for the article, but spending $2,000 - $4,000 grand on a ring is not considered flashy by any means.