
Yes! Our town is apparently lousy with them but we don’t have those trees in our yard so I wasn’t totally familiar with them. When we first moved to town 6 years ago, there was a special “gumball” pickup day scheduled along with the leaf and branch pickups during the fall and spring. I had no idea what a gumball was

Yes! She is going off the deep end! And it’s become clear how much she loves her fame. Feigning irritation at the Danish papparazzi following them “Oh, now they know i’m here, they won’t leave us alone all weekend! So sorry!”. And that stupid story about the restaurant going out of their way to obtain cheese because

I know! I feel the same way. HE’S the one that broke a trust, but seeing how they are together....I can kind of understand it. But he had an option. Talk to her. Tell her he was unhappy and wanted to separate. Instead he screws a woman on his wife’s birthday. For that, I would stick an enema tube up HIS ass!

It’s like some sort of therapy for her to drag this all out in the open. Maybe so that she doesn’t feel like people are talking about it behind her back?

I’ve always had respect for Vicki for the fact that she does work, and works hard. She’s out pimping that insurance like no ones business. That said, she tends to only value people in terms of their success. Except for Tamra, who I think she sees as a pet.

I like her too, even though I was set to hate on the young wife of a thrice-married man. I still feel, though that her marriage won’t last that long either. Jimmy just seems like a louse.

I just outed myself to a co-worker as a proud consumer of all the Bravo dreck. I told her that I love to watch these gargoyle women and their horrible families and I don’t care who knows!

Yeah, I was going to say that we’ve had times when my husband sleeps in the downstairs bedroom willingly, usually because of early rising or sickness or something. Just the other week kid had a nightmare every night for a week (shouldn’t have ever showed him The Land Before Time) and wants to sleep with Mama. And to

Foreign to me too. But I guess it can work for some people. My net paycheck goes into a separate account that pays for daycare and the mortgage. My husbands (much larger) check is split between the account that pays all bills (including my individual credit card) and our joint savings account. The day we’re not

I have to say that these arrangements are foreign to me too and the only experience I have with one is with my friend and her husband who kept it separate, possible still to this day after 13 years of marriage and 3 kids. However, in their case, it absolutely had to to with a lack of trust on his part. He pretty much

I do this in front of my 4-year old son. He’s not fazed in the least. That may change in the future, but we’ll cross that bridge then. We have a pedestal sink and no storage for a box of tampons so every month, I pull the box out of the closet and plop it on top of the tank for the next 5 days. Because of this, he

It’s the worst. And they have Thanksgiving holiday movies, Christmas, Valentines and then goddamn Christmas in July sometimes! GG on Hallmark is my lullaby, my husbands too. We watch it and let the Girls comfort us to sleep.

And the GG worried about money in a very real (yet sitcom-y) way in 80s America. As four older women it was a real concern, even though their rent costs were much lower. Meanwhile on SATC, money is never an issue for anything for these women living in an incredibly expensive city. Except maybe that one time when

That was the correct action! SATC better than GG? In what world? Good for you for ditching that person.

It’s so sad that this is a very real possibility. “Obama hates women! He won’t let them protect themselves from crazed stalkers!”

I think that was someone on Felicity.

Don’t worry, it’s not always like that. Yes, sometimes it is but stories about how labor DIDN’T ruin your vagina aren’t interesting reads so you just don’t see them. My labor wasn’t easy because I was hooked up to an IV (turns out my sac had been leaking all day and I didn’t know it. IV was to ward off any infection