
This kind of power use can’t really cost them much to do (the slo-mo and the guy’s expression are doing like 100% of the work on selling the super-fast running, for example), so we’ll probably see plenty of this, even if we don’t see a ton of epic SFX-heavy superhero battles.

Well, they *could* reveal that, like in the comics, she was given a super-serum that slows her aging, and she actually is in her 60s or older. (IIRC,in the comics she was put into the Red Room after being orphaned in the Battle of Stalingrad.)

Yeah, I’m in Maryland, too, and didn’t know about this event until I saw ppl talking about the cancellation on Twitter last night. I always see FB ads for Awesome Con when that’s coming up (as well as chatter from friends who go), but I don’t recall seeing any ads for this.

Unfortunately, sometimes the pushback is really, really bad. In 1930, Berlin was probably the most LGBT- friendly city in the world, and had been for years.

Yep, any surgery carried with it a very high likelihood of death in those days, because of a lack of both anesthetic and antiseptic practices, and it was horrifically agonizing. People usually only consented to surgery if the alternative was certain death or possibly a lifetime of agony. Even then, sometimes, they

I think that’s where museums can play a good role. Put everything in context. “Here’s this guy, he discovered these important medical breakthroughs, but he did it in this way that was really reprehensible”.

>>ショーグン・ワールドへようこそ (Welcome to Shogun World)

Well, things are heating up in the Middle East (like they do every other month); maybe they’re hoping that Hezbollah will bomb Jerusalem into the sand next week?

And he’s an all-powerful god.... except that he’s not powerful enough to forgive your sins on his own, he had to kill his kid in order to get the power to do that, and you have to say the magic words or his forgiveness doesn’t work.

No, they never do these stats adjusted for inflation, because no movie will ever break the top 5 again. Back in the day, you’d have one or two screens at the theater, and they’d show the same movie for 2 or 3 months. They’d even bring back old movies and show them again for another run. With the advent of home video

I think a lot of people are unaware of just how fundamentalist the Saudis are.

Did you ever try making up your own Game Genie codes? I never found anything useful, I don’t think, just comical weird game-breaking errors, but I used to waste some time doing that.

Yeah, it was one of my favorite games as a kid, I think largely because it was the only game we had where you could actually play as a girl. I’d always give Link or Ness or whoever my name anyway, leading to dialouge like “you’re such a nice young man, [my girl’s name]”, but Super Mario 2 let you actually play as a

Not too surprising. I’ve known a few au pairs, and they seemed to have some very... mixed experiences. Some good and what being an au pair is “supposed” to be (a few hours a day of childcare in exchange for getting to see the world, become fluent in English, take college classes etc), and others.... not so much. One

Yeah, I remember that I really liked these books as a kid.... but I can’t recall for the life of me what any of them were *about*.

I’m not sure where the line should be drawn, but if someone has the mental capacity of a toddler, there’s no way they could have a consensual sexual encounter. I’d think the tricky part comes with folks who have more moderate intellectual disabilities, where they could understand and desire sex, and communicate

Yeah, Thanos looks faintly surprised to me, but more like “oh, this little creature is much stronger (edit: and ballsier) than the others”, not like he’s worried or having to put in much effort.

I guess the target audience is parents watching together with their kids? But they’re rebooting it a little early, if that’s the case. I loved this show when I was, like, 8.... but the folks my age I know have babies or toddlers, if they have kids at all.

I could see them just not making any more Iron Man or Cap movies, and just have them show up for the team movies. Marvel’s got Ant-Man 2, Captain Marvel and Avengers 4 coming up, then probably Spider-Man 2, Black Panther 2, GotG 3; after that maybe Dr Strange 2, probably BP & Spider-Man 3, they’re talking about a

That’s an.... interesting point. Because we know the characters, we know that Cap’s commitment to things like ethical tactics make him fundamentally different from Killmonger. Cap wouldn’t consider killing innocents to be an acceptable trade-off for overcoming injustice, while Killmonger would.