
It may be a regional expression, like my mom’s Pennsylvania Dutch relatives that say “outen the lights”.

You’re just mad because Poe is your audience surrogate and he ended up being a short sighted selfish putz and you couldn’t put it together Holdo might have had some plan.

Sounds like they were talking about their particular local scene, so it might be true there. Not every place is uniform, and things can ebb and flow. I’m probably not much older than them, but my understanding is that far-right white nationalist type movements in the US generally kind of went to ground after OK City

Tolerance is a mutual-acceptance pact that Nazis don’t subscribe to, so they shouldn’t be upset if they don’t receive its’ benefits.

The “good punks” I know that I’ve heard about this kind of stuff from have talked about starting with non-violent tactics (tearing down posters for white supremecist events, protesting, harassing known neo-Nazis, etc). But the sense I get is that they went as far as was necessary to drive the neo-Nazis out.

Tolerance requires a certain mutual agreement - that is, we all agree to accept each other, even if we find each other strange. A person who’s openly racist towards others isn’t abiding by their end of the tolerance agreement, and therefore shouldn’t expect others to tolerate them.

Are they worth it? They look good, but they’re like like $5+ at the Korean grocery store I saw them at, so I’ve been skeptical about getting them.

This gives me flashbacks to Hanna Arrendt’s “The Origins of Totalitarianism”, about how Nazism came to power. Replace “black” and “American” with “Jew” and “German”, and this same attitude.... that’s where the Nazis (the regular, middle-class office worker Nazis, I mean, the widespread support) came from. That same

Yep. Prostitution, stealing, manual labor, odd jobs... in those days, poor kids often worked as servants or in factories and coal mines, too.

Yeah, if you grow up with this stuff being normal, it’s probably hard to see warning signs. I know a woman who was molested as a child, and ended up marrying a man who molested their oldest child, and that’s what she told me. (Fortunately, unlike “Mama June”, my aquaintence put her kids first, and took action as soon

The comment quoted in this article - “The reason I don’t want to is because it’s like reliving another memory,” - made me immediately wonder the same thing.

Yeah, for sure. I was in a car accident bad enough that the glass got blown out like that, and I needed an overnight hospital stay and months of PT - and I was safely buckled in the car the whole time, protected by airbags. If it’d been my body that smashed the windshield, instead of the hood of the car crunching up

What does “close your plate” mean?

Am reminded of why I couldn’t get into that series.

Thanks for writing this! I checked my favorite theater and opening Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights are already at least half sold out. I’ll have to get them pretty soon I guess.

The goal of public transit, mainly, is to reduce traffic congestion, with secondary goals of reducing air pollution & providing transit options for the poor & middle class. In dense urban areas, bike share programs do all three. Plenty of people commute by bike, instead of or in addition to other forms of transit

There’s a difference between decency and foolishness. If you have an open campus, and leave a bunch of unlocked bikes around, they will get stolen. Period. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a locked bike get stolen.

Hah, yeah, that was pretty much my first thought. Anybody that’s worked retail knows that your shopping carts end up all over the neighborhood, broken, in ditches, run over, etc etc. Bikes are gonna be even worse.

Yeah, bikeshare is such a terrible boondoggle that DC has both a successful public (I think it’s a public-private partnership) program and multiple private competitors.

LOL. Plenty of cities full of liberals have actual, sensibly-run, successful bikeshare programs that don’t have this problem. This is called “rich tech entrepreneurs waste venture capital money on stupid crap”.